It seems as if everybody has covered almost every thing I can think of, but
I would definitely not limit your search to male assistants.  I am 6 foot 3
and currently weigh about 185 pounds, but I have in the past gone to 200.  I
have had female caregivers from 90 pounds on a do my care with no problem.
I use a Hoyer lift and just recently got an electronic one, because the
transfer from the Hoyer to the chair seems to be the most complicated for
new caregivers to learn.

I will definitely be checking out some of these lifts myself, but I would
exhaust everything before you have to go into a home.

Also, respite is a must.  I haven't given my brother and sister-in-law, my
caregivers any substantial time off in three years and I am going in for
respite when I get my colonoscopy done in late July.  I will end up spending
two weeks to give them a break and even though I hate it in there, it is
invaluable for PCAs to get time off for recuperation every now and then.

Good luck.  Your situation breaks my heart and there are just so many people
out there in similar circumstances I believe it is criminal.

On 6/21/07, David K. Kelmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Keith,

Check out this Web Site.  Most of the Waiver Programs have respite care.
Get signed-up and get the help you deserve.

I hope this helps.   Stay Strong.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 31 Years Post
Texas, USA


I live with my folks and my brothers (two) come by and help out every
morning of everyday. (Basics listed)  dressed and placed in chair. One gets
here before work and the other comes here from work.

At nights they switch off every other night to put me back in bed with
my/our Father.

My Mother does my personal care. Mondays & Fridays along with setting my
up for the night in bed everyday.

This has been going on for 11 years and they need a break. Actually, one
brother stopped and said no more last week.

Now, I do know this has went on too long already with them helping, but I
never changed I must.

My aide that comes during the day cannot do what my brothers and Father do
because of her strength. So, I've looked into getting a male CHHA but out of
the only two agencies around me there is none. My only choice I see is an
Assisted Living Center and if I go here I don't want it to be here in New

May I ask you guys/gals for some suggestions? I'd love to head out to
Arizona, but I don't know how the state is towards the disabled. It seems
popular though.


PS. Some may know me from years past, but to all including the new Hi.

See what's free at <>.

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