Since the summer of 2005 I have been in the process of trying to  qualify for 
an Omega Trac wheelchair.  I had to try different  manufacturers front and 
mid-wheel drive (I have a rear wheel drive) chairs and  explain why they would 
not suit my needs to Medicare, medical assistance and  Blue Cross Blue Shield.  
After being denied by all three because they said  it was not "medically 
necessary" to have such an expensive share I started my  appeal process.  I 
a five-page appeal letter, with pictures and was  surprised that Blue Cross 
Blue Shield had reversed their decision because of my  compelling appeal letter 
and approved the Omega Trac chair for me.  On  New Year's Day, my son went 
down and got the mail from New Year's Eve and there  was a letter in there from 
medical assistance.  The letter went on for two  paragraphs explaining why they 
feel that this chair was not medically necessary  for me.  The third 
paragraph then stated why they would approve the chair  and pick up the 
costs that I would need to pay if I just went with  Blue Cross Blue Shield.  I 
read that last paragraph several times and was  absolutely flabbergasted that 
medical assistance changed their minds. If it  wasn't for Kiersten from 
National Seating & Mobility, I do not think that  this would have happened.  
Omega Trac should be ordered next week but  I'm really not going to believe it 
until I'm sitting in it because you never  know what can happen.
Yesterday, Friday, I received a call from the appeals judge confirming that  
medical assistance reversed their decision and approved my chair.  She is  
going to sign all the legal documents and send me a copy.
For those of you that are wondering why I went with such a large chair like  
the Omega Trac here's my reasons.  I live in the country near Duluth, MN  
which is hilly and not very conducive to standard wheelchairs especially in the 
wintertime.  I'm a large man that likes the stability of the Omega Trac  
compared to my Invacare especially when transversing hills and uneven  ground.  
need a solid platform for driving around the hills of Duluth and  I own my own 
home in the country and have been stuck to many times in my  driveway during 
and after a snow along with not being able to go in my yard  unless somebody is 
with me.
The bottom line is freedom.
I guess the moral of the story is to find the company that you feel  
comfortable dealing with and also never take no for an answer until all avenues 
appeals are exhausted.  Carefully read all documentation and make sure  all 
your I's and T's are dotted and crossed.

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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