It really amazes me at the number of people who write to this  list asking 
for medical advice or if they should go to the doctor to get  something checked 
out.  As helpful as everyone on this list tries to be, I  don't think anyone 
here can offer real medical advice to someone without knowing  their medical 
history or the severity of the medical issue in question.   Maybe it's just me, 
but if ANYTHING is out of the ordinary for me, I call the  doctor's office and 
schedule an appointment, unless of course, I need to go to  emergency.  I 
would think that after most of what us quads have been  through, we should not 
hesitate to get medical attention.  It could mean  the difference between life 
and death.  If it isn't anything that severe,  at least we've had it checked 
out and know what's going on.  At least  that's my two cents worth.  


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

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