Is there a state system like Medicaid or other state-operated federal program 
that helps cover costs?

In AZ there is the "Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System" (which is 
anything but) that substitutes for Medicaid.  Many times 70% or so is covered 
by the state with the remainder going to Medicare.

Just curious.


---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> Well, you'll be more flabbergasted to hear that it's the opposite  in FL.
> I spent 8 hours in the ER on a Sunday last month due to a  UTI.  I saw 2 
> doctors, had one CT scan, was administered 2 pain meds and 1  antibiotic 
> (100mL 
> Levaquin) by IV.  Here is the Medicare statement I  received.
> Amount billed $6,557.09
> Medicare is paying  $481.70
> Itemized list:
> Urinalysis & scope $99.25
> Levaquin  $121.25
> Tx/pro/dx injection same drug addon $363.75
> Tx/pro/dx new drug  addon $242.50
> ER visit $452
> 2 CAT scans $4,458.25
> Pharmacy  $182.90
> Med/surg supplies $148.24
> Routine venipuncture  $9.24
> Comprehensive metabolic panel $157.25
> Blood culture for bacteria  $108.25
> Complete CBC with auto diff $44.10
> Hydromorphone injection  $40.00
> Morphine sulfate $120.10
> Ambulance $374.75 (Medicare approved  $324.64 and paid $259.71)
> Radiology Assoc. $236.00 (Medicare approved $110.06  paid $88.05)
> In a message dated 6/30/2008 8:18:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> So doctors, hospitals, clinics, etc. are definitely getting paid more  by the 
> Federal Medicare program but it is the feds to  set it up that way to begin 
> with!  
> Bill
> C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
> Age 57
> Leesburg,  FL
> Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing; and makes  you
> walk  funny.

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