There was so much that had been said during the campaign process.   Some of 
it with partial truth.  Others were 3rd and 4th party lies that  continued 
repeating.  The are those who won't let go and still claim a hate  for a person 
they do not know, but have heard so much about.
Let's give him a 100% for the 1st year.  We owe that much to our  country and 
we did it for 8 years with
George W.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/10/2008 9:38:46 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Yes, I'm epically proud of Obama for comforting babies that
survived an abortion by giving them a "Comfort Room." A beautiful
room where they can be held by a living breathing person
until they die in comfort.
I can overlook the fact that he would not say the "pledge of  allegiance"
to my flag.  Gee, I may just rethink that one.
Welcome to America!

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