this is donald again,
i currently live in the los angeles area. i'm single and have a live-in 
caregiver. i'm also unemployed and have been since my injury. i have lived here 
for most of my 41 years, and the few years i didn't were in bullhead city, 
az. where i was injured 18 years ago. my folks own the home i'm in now plus the 
one they live-in in bullhead. i'm thinking about moving to bullhead or phoenix 
soon because i think calif. will soon start cutting programs due to budget 
problems. parents could sell this home and buy me another cheaper in az.
it has been a pretty good situation so far. i receive ss and ssi for money 
which is about 900.00 a month. for medical needs i get medicare and medi-cal 
and pay nothing for dr.'s, meds, and supplies including wheelchairs and 
repairs. i get what's called "in-home supportive services" that pays any 
caregiver of my choice 9.00 per hour for 8 hours a day for my care. for 240 
hours a month. for housing i get ""section 8 housing" that pays most of my rent 
and allows me to rent from my folks due to the major renovations to my home. 
for transportation i do drive and have my own van but also use "access 
services" which is a service were a van takes you anywhere in so calif. for 
about 2.00 with a call a day in advance. like i said it's been pretty good 
here. but if they cut ihss or section 8 or both then not so great. no caregiver 
and no rent. maybe even medical cuts. 
so my questions are as follows, would i still get ss and ssi?
for medical i'm sure i get medicare but does the state pay for things medicare 
what in-home care program do you have, what's pay, and how many hours do you 
do you have a renters assistance program?
and in phoenix do they have any transportation program?
i'm looking into the future and trying to make plans before all goes to hell 
thanks for any info.


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