Hi again, Donald:

Q: so my questions are as follows, would i still get ss and ssi?
A:  That should stay as it is

Q: for medical i'm sure i get medicare but does the state pay for things 
medicare doesn't?
A:  The AHCCCS program I mentioned this morning does this... it varies a bit 
from state to state in trying to compare because while Medicaid is mostly the 
same evcerywhere, AHCCCS is a Federally funded block grant for a State-operated 
program to offer private HMO-like services. (A public-private partnership... I 
think MediCal is similar, right?)

Q: what in-home care program do you have, what's pay, and how many hours do you 
A:  That's ALTCS -- the Long-term care program I mentioned.  It's based on 
financial need and individual ability.  You'd be assessed by the "pros" at the 
system based on Dr.-verified forms, an in-person intake, and maybe some other 
criteria to see how many hours you really *need*.  You can hire your own help 
if they take the ALTCS classes and agree to their pay structure.   Again, the 
state uses privately owned companies to do most of this so if you hire a 
friend, they'll need to be working for an approved company and agree to abide 
by that particular company's contract.

Q: do you have a renters assistance program?
A:  I was in a section 8 / HUD-funded apartment for a while.  They run the 
gammit from uhhgg! to really nice.  Rent is on a sliding scale.  I think you 
can also qualify for needs-based utility assistance.

Q: and in phoenix do they have any transportation program?
A:  I've used the public bus quite a bit with no problem.  An ADA issue... ANY 
place with a public bus system MUST have some paratransit equivalent.  And 
Phoenix does.  The fee is allowed to be up to 2X public bus/transport fare.  
However, I don't know about Phx's system but public paratransit CAN be limited 
to only those unable to use public bus systems.  Tucson is like that.  But I 
can still get a "conditional" ridership allowed... temperature/weater 
sensitive, illness, etc. when your personal vehicle is not working.  Just 
Google "Phoenix" and "paratransit" to find more on this. (find the City 
websites... not the blog for complainers!)

So again... best wishes & good luck!
Tod (Tucson)

---- donald scott <rollingl...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> this is donald again,
> i currently live in the los angeles area. i'm single and have a live-in 
> caregiver. i'm also unemployed and have been since my injury. i have lived 
> here for most of my 41 

> for transportation i do drive and have my own van but also use "access 
> services" which is a service were a van takes you anywhere in so calif. for 
> about 2.00 with a call a day in advance. like i said it's been pretty good 
> here. but if they cut ihss or section 8 or both then not so great. no 
> caregiver and no rent. maybe even medical cuts. 
> so my questions are as follows, would i still get ss and ssi?
> for medical i'm sure i get medicare but does the state pay for things 
> medicare doesn't?
> what in-home care program do you have, what's pay, and how many hours do you 
> get?
> do you have a renters assistance program?
> and in phoenix do they have any transportation program?
> i'm looking into the future and trying to make plans before all goes to hell 
> here.
> thanks for any info.
> donald 

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