My computer crashed and I had to get a new one.  The computer came with 
Windows Vista and a voice recognition program already  loaded onto it. Has 
had any luck with this voice recognition system? It  doesn't type into sites 
that I visit regularly. The only site I've had luck in  is Windows Live 
Messenger and Facebook. It does not type in instant message on  AOL, and I'm 
finding other areas where it will not type. Making  corrections are a pain in 
ass! Dragon Naturally Speaking was MUCH easier to  use.  I thought it was me 
so I went back and read the instructions over and  over again.  Now I have to 
get use to putting in punctuations. I just HATE  it!!  And it has the nerve to 
not let you install Dragon  Naturally  Speaking!.
The Windows Vista I am learning to use it.   It is different, but I am 
learning.  I had my files saved from my old  computer and put on this one when 
purchased it, though finding them is no easy  task..  Has anyone else been 
Windows Vista and this voice recognition  program?  What do you think of it?  
Do you have any  recommendations?

C-4 Quadriplegic, since July 2, 2005
Due to Transverse  Myelitis
**************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (

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