I'm a C5 quad, been using enemeez for seven or eight years. Cut my bowel
program down to about 45 minutes, but it is still excruciatingly painful.

I'd like to give the peristeen system a try, but have a few concerns.
Obvious is the cost/insurance coverage. Also, wonder how hard it will be
for somebody else to safely insert the catheter while I'm sitting on a
bedside commode/shower chair. I think I read somewhere that a short
training session would be needed to be carried out by somebody who had
experience with the device. I live in a small town, because it is new on
the market, I doubt that there is anybody in my area with the necessary

Would greatly appreciate if anybody knows of a C5 quad or higher that has
experience with the device and can tell me how hard it is for somebody else
to insert the catheter.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Bob Vogel <rhvsh...@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi Meredith and everybody,
> To answer your question "Will Peresteen work laying on my side?" Great
> question!  The ansere
> is, Yes!  Peristeen will work if you do your bowel program (BP) laying on
> your side!
> In a perfect world it is better to do a bowel program works better when
> you are upright for two reasons.
> 1, When you are in an upright position, gravity helps in emptying.
> 2 It is easier when the contents of the BP fall directly into the toilet.
> However I understand that in the real world doing a BP in an upright
> position isn't possible for a variety of
> reasons.  I had my BP done on my side (by a nurse or aid) for the first 1
> 1/2 months when I
> was first injured. And for for several periods of time, years after my SCI
> I had other injuries or surgeries
> and had to do my BP on my side because I couldn't sit upright.
> The challenge in doing a BP with the Peristeen system laying on your side
> is you will need to collect have
> enough pads, chucks, or other collection system to collect an extra 500cc
> to 700cc of liquid (500cc equals
> two measuring cups, 700cc equals 2.8) along with the regular amount of
> stool that comes out.
> In my "survey of one", if I had another injury or medical situation that
> prevented me from sitting upright  and I
> had to do my BP laying on my side (fingers crossed and *knocking wood*
> this doesn't happen) I would still use
> Peristeen laying on my side.
> Hope this answers your question.
> All the best!
> Bob V
> On Jul 28, 2014, at 8:03 AM, jume9...@comcast.net wrote:
> Thank you so much for completely answering my questions. I guess it won't
> work lying on your side as most quads do. Oh well, glad that you are
> feeling as good as one can paralyzed. Thanks again.
> Meredith
> ------------------------------
> *From: *cviewe...@aol.com
> *To: *rhvsh...@mac.com, jume9...@comcast.net
> *Cc: *"quad-list" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
> *Sent: *Monday, July 28, 2014 7:34:17 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [QUAD-L] Peristeen
> Bob, How often do you use Peristeen?
> In a message dated 7/27/2014 10:04:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> rhvsh...@mac.com writes:
> Hi Meredith,
> Here is an article I wrote for New Mobility magazine about the Peristeen
> system.
> http://www.newmobility.com/2014/04/peristeen-for-bowel-management/
> As a "survey of one", I've been using Peristeen since November 2013.  As
> far as the A.D. issue, I'm a T10 para
> so I'm just below the cutoff for A.D., but it is a very good question and
> one I would discuss with your doctor.
> The way you go about getting it is to either ask your doctor and/or nurse
> practicioner about it or write an email
> to the folks at Peristeen, made by Coloplast:  us-perist...@coloplast.com
>  Or call Rita Ward at Coloplast at:
> (612) 337-7856
> The entire system is small and fits into a bag the size of shaving kit
> and/or small woman's purse.  I travel with my
> Peristeen system, it fits easily into my suitcase and/or carry on bag on a
> plane.
> It is designed to be used while sitting upright--on the toilet.  I use the
> system while sitting on a standard commode.
> I have full use of my hands and arms--I find it very easy to use.  Setting
> up the system from the box takes about a
> minute.  It takes about another minute and a half to fill up the water bag
> with tap water, attach the rectal catheter.
> The next step is inserting the catheter, filling up the catheter balloon
> and adding water to the colon via squeezing
> a a rubber hand pump.  On average the entire process--filling the water
> bag with water through pumping water into
> the colon (bowel)--takes me about 4-5 minutes.  Once water is in the
> colon, the catheter is removed and it is a matter of
> sitting and waiting--I find it a good time to catch up on reading or
> listening to my favorite podcasts.  Time to empty
> the colon (bowel) varies from about 20 minutes to 40 minutes.  For me it
> takes 30 minutes, like clockwork.  Everybody
> is different, for some reason I find I empty in three "waves" about
> 10-minutes apart.  It still amazes me how much
> comes out--at least 3-4 times more than I've ever managed to empty with
> "digital stim", suppositories, or using
> standard enemas.
> Again in my "survey of one" I give the system a 10.  Since starting using
> Peristeen in November I have had zero
> accidents and (despite risking Murphy's law) for the first time since I
> was injured 29 1/2 years ago, I don't think or
> worry about bowel accidents.  I also feel much better.  As I wrote earlier
> today, I recently had my yearly KUB
> (kidney, ureter, bowel) X-ray to check for kidney stones.  Over the past
> decade or so these X-rays always included
> a statement by the radiologist that said something like "difficult to see
> because of stool", meaning I was full of
> s#%t.  My urology nurse practicioner showed me my current X-ray and
> compared it to a previous X-ray and said
> "you can see that you have much less stool in this X-ray".  In my old
> X-rays it was easy to see that  my entire colon
> (bowel) was full, even though I had done a bowel program the morning of
> the X-ray.  In the current X-ray it is easy to
> see that the 2nd half of my bowel (1/2 of my transverse colon and my
> entire descending colon=2 1/2 feet of colon) is
> empty.
> Probably way more than you wanted to know but really important to me.
> Bob V
> On Jul 27, 2014, at 12:02 PM, jume9...@comcast.net wrote:
> How do you go about getting the Peristeen?  Do you have to sit on a toilet
> to use it? How difficult is it? I had another evacuation machine (P.I.E.) a
> while back that was just huge and difficult. It also caused me to have A.D.
> I have seen the video but I would love some personal reviews.
> Meredith
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Bob Vogel" <rhvsh...@mac.com>
> *To: *"Bill Lang" <blan...@verizon.net>
> *Cc: *"quad-list" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
> *Sent: *Saturday, July 26, 2014 12:43:54 PM
> *Subject: *Re: [QUAD-L] Peristeen
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for the kudos.  I've been using the Peristeen system since November
> 2013.  It has changed
> my life!  No more accidents, plus I feel much better.  I had an KUB
> (checking for stones in kidney,
> ureters, & bladder) X-ray and my Dr. compared it to my previous ones--in
> every previous X-ray there
> was a notation "much of area is occluded by stool".  In this X-ray the
> entire 2nd half of my large investing
> (bowel) was empty.  Before Peristeen I was literally "full of s#%t".
> Bob V
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 12:10 PM, Bill Lang wrote:
> > Thank you Bob.
> > Great article.
> >
> > I am waiting on CPC codes for Medicare. Should be coming soon. I am
> expecting to do training within 3 weeks.
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> >> On Jul 25, 2014, at 13:32, Bob Vogel <rhvsh...@mac.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Billy,
> >>
> >> Here is an column I wrote about it in New Mobility in April.
> >>
> >> http://www.newmobility.com/2014/04/peristeen-for-bowel-management/
> >>
> >> Bob V
> >>
> >>> On Jul 25, 2014, at 9:19 AM, Bill Lang wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Guys,
> >>>
> >>> Has anyone used this Bowel Irrigation system?
> >>> I am awaiting trial kickoff to begin and could use input.
> >>>
> >>>
> http://www.coloplast.co.uk/Peristeen-Anal-Irrigation-System-en-gb.aspx#section=videos-and-animations_100
> >>>
> >>> Billy Lang
> >>>
> >>> Sent from my iPad
> >>
> =

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