On Wednesday, Sep 25, 2002, at 18:50 Europe/London, Wade Rackley wrote:

> Greetings!

Hello :).

> But am I missing some fatal flaw that would make me want to migrate to 
> another '040?

The hell no :). I think you are making very good use of an old machine 
and, while it's not exactly a sprinting machine, it's pretty nice all 
the same.

> Here is my setup:
> Quadra 700/50 MHz Sonnet QuadDoubler, 68 MB RAM, 2 MB VRAM, 2 GB 7200 
> rpm
> Baracuda HD, with a 17" Apple Color Monitor, Apple 600e CD ROM Drive,
> OneScanner, Personal LaserWriter 320, all PAINSTAKINGLY painted flat 
> black
> and dull-coted (looks great, too).  It is running 7.1 with a few 
> add-ins
> from Gamba's site and a 7.5.5 System Folder.  I use Eudora 3.1.3 and 
> iCab
> and older versions of my favorite applications.  This old thing, when
> running this setup, feels quite fast in the finder, is not bad on the 
> WWW,
> and is really fun for me to use.

Holly cow. It's a really nice piece of work you got there. The black 
paint must look awesome. <Imagines his 840av and '805' in black and 
drools on his keyboard>

I also love Macintosh IIci machines (I have a pretty jazzed up IIci in 
my arsenal :) ). The cases look a little clunky by modern standards but 
there is a charm about them I can't quite place, perhaps the easy 
opening case or reversible desktop/tower option. Since the Q700 is in 
the same case, apart from the front panel details, it seems fine to me 
to love yours, especially in black :).

> So (again), what am I missing here?  Should I get a different Quadra 
> and
> transfer my upgrades to it?

Hell no, you have put a lot of effort into your setup as it is, don't 
go ripping it apart for a little extra speed and RAM. I find 68MB fine 
on any 68k apart from my 840av which is a vid. cap. platform so needs 
all it can get.

> Is this a viable "only" system for me at home?

Hmmmm... I'm a little biased as I have a shiny Jaguarified G3/400 on my 
deks and an iBook 300
in my napsack so I couldn't, I tried to use my 840av as an 'only' 
system and couldn't. If you are used to it and can accept it's limits 
there is no reason why YOU can't though.

> I use a Lombard as my main machine, but the mother board is in the 
> throes
> of a slow death.

Ouchy :(. That's not nice :*(

> I will then be left with this 700 "hobby" machine and my
> trusty SE/30 as my only web and productivity machines until I can save 
> up
> the cash needed to buy a new Mac (which will be quite a while,
> unfortunately for me...)

I am in a similar if not nearly so badly stricken position, I had to 
twist my bank manager's arm to get the £400 for my G3/400 but I'm glad 
I did, at least my bank manager had a sore arm for a few hours ;).

> Have I invested too much time in a Mac that is dead end rather than low
> end?  HELP!!

No. There is no such thing. I believe that the more you invest in a Mac 
the more it gives you back.

Mark Benson

AIM - SilValleyPirate

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