Hi people

Thanks for the replies about the unknown-nubus card. I'd already peeked
around online and only found generic info about the labelled chips. the
ramdac and ram itself led me towards the first impression of video card,
and the only other chip with much info on it was the eprom, nothing
really giveaway there - and all the other tinier chips seemed to just be
supporting logic, gates/buffers/inverters and so on. Apart from the
'axxyss' name there was nothing to identify it. I also suspected it
could be AUI, what with the LED and switch. That weirded me a bit. 

The large lettering with GTS 12  94VO led to a few dead ends, until I
found it on 2 of my mac motherboards (LCs) as well, so I suspect that
could be a mark of the PCB manufacturer or designer or... something. 

Popping the card in a Centris 650 made it chime death on start. ack! Not
a good feeling to start with, but on a reset (and removing the PPC
card from the centris) it booted until locking up
while loading one of the extensions - which I think is one of the
monitor related ones, I didn't have more than a few minutes to poke
around however. Booting without extensions worked fine, and running
tattletech showed the card to be...

(c) 1991 Axxyss Corporation V1.35

Good that it goes into such detail :). However, a bit further down the
list of info about the card was a line showing:


it is graphics!. I popped a monitor on, and it proceeded to boot with
that fine with extensions on, but in a sync the display couldn't handle
(it was only a 14" trinitron). My multiscan is dead so I couldn't go
much further than trying it on a 15" DEC with BNC connectors at the
back, and that didn't work either. The boot screen was recognisable, but
completely unreadable.

Curiously, with a monitor in, the LED at the rear glows green. With the
monitor out, the LED is off. The microswitch, when pressed while
booting, will keep the LED 'green' when there's no monitor connected -
perhaps it could help some when a machine has to run headless, or boot
headless. Thats just a wild guess. Also, with the button pressed in
during boot, extensions load fine just as they did with the monitor
plugged into it.

One reference I found on google groups refers to the card as a "navajo
card", used on a fixed-sync supermac monitor . That leads me to guess
it's just that - a fixed (or limited) sync 24-bit card. Guess I'll just
have to wait until a few 20" monitors come my way :). Until then it's
one more piece of mac guff sitting in my cupboard looking cool.

ta for the replies,

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