On Tuesday, 5 July 2016 19:41:53 UTC+10, Andrew David Wong  wrote:
> Oh, I see. You mean in Qubes Manager, when you right-click on dom0,
> the entry for "Run command in VM" is grayed out (along with almost
> every other entry), yes?
> That is normal, intended behavior. The intended way to run a command
> in dom0 is simply to open a terminal in dom0.
> We agree that this is confusing from a UX perspective, and we are
> working on it:
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1382

>From a UX perspective, it's a simple thing to fix.
All you have to do is enable it and have it operational.
the only other way to do it from KDE is to open the run widget.
But when you have a bug in KDE where you can't do anything and have no terminal 
access, the 'run command in' is most beneficial.

As for not having them showing, easy as, if that's what you want.

So many things I see that you all are talking about doing, I see so many flaws, 
and so many good things too.

In MOST cases, you need to build it in for both ways around. To have and not 
have. To include and exclude. To show and hide.

I'm a functional person, not a wanky interface person. I'd rather have the run 
as there, that way I can just use that instead of having to open a terminal.
I normally have 15 terminals open anyway. several in Dom0, several in the 
NetVM, and at LEAST 1 in every other guest that I'm running.

Sometimes takes me 5 minutes to find a terminal to run something in, or just to 
get to the desktop space to get access to a terminal.. I'd rather just click on 
the Qubes Manager, Right click on Dom0, then run as. Only because often the run 
widget doesn't function the way I want it to with many things.

The latest KDE isn't built for functionality, it's built for wankyness. that's 
my opinion from seeing it the way it is these days, in Qubes 3.2 at least.

Please remember this... "If it ain't broke don't fix it"

Qubes 3.1 still has a tonne of bugs that aren't fixed, and  that's got a non RC 
version there in the downloads... Still with all the bugs...

Will 3.2 this time be fixed before moving on to a new version?
Will all the critical and important bugs that cause crashes be fixed before 
version 4 comes out?
Because there are still bugs in Qubes stemming from version 2.0 that are still 

So I'm just curious.

WARNING: Don't misunderstand the way that all may sound. It's not actually 
sounding the way you may read it. Just because there is no vocals here means 
that things will be read the way the reader wishes to read it, and not be read 
the way it is intended to be read.

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