Checked my xen.cfg file on my working Qubes install, and it's empty.  So, I'm 
thinking I'm going down the wrong path with that.  Booted into grub (from 
rEFInd), and entered "configfile /EFI/qubes/grub.cfg" at the command line.  
This brought up a GRUB Boot Menu with Qubes as an option.  Cool!  But when I 
try to boot Qubes I get:

locading Xen 4.6.1...
error: can't find command 'multiboot'
Loading Linux es.x86_64...
error: can't find command 'module'.
Loading initial ramdisk...
error: can't find command 'module'.
Press any key to continue...

Pressing any key returns me to the grub boot menu.

This appears to be (after some light research) an issue with grub looking for 
multiboot.mod.  I'll continue searching for an answer, but again, if anyone has 
advice, I would really appreciate it.

If nothing else, I'm at least hoping to document my steps for anyone else that 
stumbles across this in the future.

Happy New Year!


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