> Hash: SHA512
> On 2017-01-19 16:21, haxy wrote:
>> On 2017-01-18 18:00, haxy wrote:
>>>>> On 2017-01-16 13:22, haxy wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2017-01-14 20:04, haxy wrote: Qubes onion repos have
>>>>>>>> just been implemented. Minimal documentation available
>>>>>>>> here:
>>>>>>>> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/hidden-service-repos/
>>>>>>>> First of all, thanks for making the onion repos
>>>>>>>> available!
>>>>>>>> Following directions to onionize repositories I made a
>>>>>>>> mistake inputting the onion address.  Re-running the
>>>>>>>> commands, dom0 example, "sudo sed -i
>>>>>>>> 's/yum.qubes-os.org/qubes-yum.kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/'
>>>>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat
>>>>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo" has no effect.  Cat
>>>>>>>> still shows the input made with the incorrect onion
>>>>>>>> repo.  Tried using "sudo sed -i
>>>>>>>> 's/yum.qubes-os.org/yum.qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/'
>>>>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat
>>>>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo" with the same
>>>>>>>> results.'
>>>>>>>> (Noticed the command from the whonix wiki differs
>>>>>>>> slightly from the qubes wiki command. "qubes-yum" vice
>>>>>>>> "yum" before the onion address.)
>>>>>>>> Was able to get the debian and fedora repos functioning
>>>>>>>> by manually inputting the correct onion address in
>>>>>>>> their respective files but am unable to do that in
>>>>>>>> Dom0. How can I correct this issue in Dom0?
>>>>> You can do it the same way in dom0: by manually editing the
>>>>> file.
>>>>> For example:
>>>>> $ sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo (Edit the file,
>>>>> save, and close.)
>>>>> Thanks Andrew.  Using vim worked. :)
>>>>> Do you know why re-running the command, "sudo sed -i
>>>>> 's/yum.qubes-os.org/yum.qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/'
>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat
>>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo" did not work to overwrite
>>>>> the first incorrect address entry?  Curious if it's
>>>>> reproducible or something on my end only?
>> It's possible that 'yum.qubes-os.org' was no longer present in the
>> text and therefore couldn't be found in order to be replaced.
>>>>> Also, a couple of other questions.
>>>>> 1. Seems there are 2 distinct onion addresses that can be
>>>>> used for the qubes repos, "qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion" or
>>>>> "whonix kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion". Is there any reason to
>>>>> prefer one over the other?
>> No, both point to the same server.
>>>>> 2. Which onion address should be used for Qubes website
>>>>> access? "http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/"; or
>>>>> "http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/";? Looks like the
>>>>> "qubesosmamapaxpa" site is not up to date.
>> http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/ should be used. We don't have any
>> control over http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/ (it appears to be
>> updated only infrequently).
>>>> Do you know why re-running the command, "sudo sed -i
>>>> 's/yum.qubes-os.org/yum.qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/'
>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat
>>>> /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo" did not work to overwrite
>>>> the first incorrect address entry?  Curious if it's
>>>> reproducible or something on my end only?
>>> It's possible that 'yum.qubes-os.org' was no longer present in
>>> the text and therefore couldn't be found in order to be
>>> replaced.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why would "yum.qubes-os.org"
>> not have been present in the text?  I re-ran the command several
>> times using both onion addresses with the same result.
> Above, you wrote, "Following directions to onionize repositories I
> made a mistake inputting the onion address." You didn't specify your
> mistake, so as far as I know, it's possible that your mistake altered
> the content of the file such that "yum.qubes-os.org" was no longer
> present in the text.
>>>> 1. Seems there are 2 distinct onion addresses that can be used
>>>> for the qubes repos, "qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion" or "whonix
>>>> kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion". Is there any reason to prefer one
>>>> over the other?
>>> No, both point to the same server.
>> Thanks!
>>>> 2. Which onion address should be used for Qubes website
>>>> access? "http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/"; or
>>>> "http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/";? Looks like the
>>>> "qubesosmamapaxpa" site is not up to date.
>>> http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/ should be used. We don't have any
>>> control over http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/ (it appears to be
>>> updated only infrequently).
>> That's strange. I thought that was the original qubes onion
>> address?  If you (meaning qubes admin/dev) don't have control over
>> "http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/";, who does?
> Yes, it was initially set up by a Qubes contributor named "Hakisho
> Nukama," who suddenly disappeared a long time ago. (I hope you're
> still ok out there, Nukama!)
> - --
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
> iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJYgaK7AAoJENtN07w5UDAwgE8P/39dg47TtaoMc5lw1U7WF/Yp
> 7w5Sg4YtZArwGoI04IH4eXxJRvy8odPclId+gIweL+XSSKT457jgDwTWPRv+4opp
> Ki/MPz9SrpmF6YrP5KbPAi5s7ZQ1CQQJvRR7HhKiccwh9WmQIIuOgdOTO7cfdeKa
> iS/P27tp58LL3W5vbVrpnx1htcgHu1IgDscoQprhqdNGqjk0JxQA+pkavMLfhxvW
> cahAC3TkPwilNfYRl2R6B0PoHZt3++Apy9CR7rsXQYizgFmvUyJUcWsQBwac1F09
> +TqjnVQrI+g3zPgQ+Ua1DY2PXIdnbsZXlwBrC9BX698bZq8+g2tHndTwx3ZraqXC
> nUSvIJVS1kugAUaHvl4smsuKRfoRYTV/1VWwpwvn1MQQqZJQjkwm2JvE7p2IZ2oe
> jnQeJTzjPjhN9xMRtqyVN20xPntyXuwPEJSMuvBsGrvz2glKoyDoXLrwslO89ZIX
> +7gjHpi1eAm7iz+moFzgNHb3qlr7uaxB7U08iG23h0XdtfdaUwMFvHGKE7IoZ7rx
> Sj/Q6byH+V6Zuwy4JudW2eFoe32QfuJH3scjyOEjC5qd7tYG5Ajl8fv+k/Cp/ijW
> woQxFZt5Ebt8PCd7+zyh
> =gpSH

>>> It's possible that 'yum.qubes-os.org' was no longer present in
>>> the text and therefore couldn't be found in order to be
>>> replaced.
>> I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why would "yum.qubes-os.org"
>> not have been present in the text?  I re-ran the command several
>> times using both onion addresses with the same result.
> Above, you wrote, "Following directions to onionize repositories I
> made a mistake inputting the onion address." You didn't specify your
> mistake, so as far as I know, it's possible that your mistake altered
> the content of the file such that "yum.qubes-os.org" was no longer
> present in the text.

Original mistake was inputting 9 vice 10 (k)s in the whonix onion address.
"kkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion" instead of "kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion".

Thought at first that after re-running the command;

"sudo sed -i 's/yum.qubes-os.org/qubes-yum.kkkkkkkkkk63ava6.onion/'
/etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo"

the extra k was not recognized.

Then tried using "sudo sed -i 's/yum.qubes-os.org
/yum.qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/' /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo && cat
/etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-dom0.repo" with the same results.'

Can you verify that re-running the correct command overwrites an earlier
input?  If so, that would indicate a problem on my end.

>>> http://qubesos4rrrrz6n4.onion/ should be used. We don't have any
>>> control over http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/ (it appears to be
>>> updated only infrequently).
>> That's strange. I thought that was the original qubes onion
>> address?  If you (meaning qubes admin/dev) don't have control over
>> "http://qubesosmamapaxpa.onion/";, who does?
> Yes, it was initially set up by a Qubes contributor named "Hakisho
> Nukama," who suddenly disappeared a long time ago. (I hope you're
> still ok out there, Nukama!)

Thanks for the explanation.  All the best to Hakisho Nakuma.

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