On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 05:37:17PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> echo $(((`(for VM in $(xl list|egrep -v "(Name|dom0)"|cut -d " " -f1) ; do 
> /usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-client -d $VM user:"/usr/bin/vmstat -s -S K" -t -T|grep 
> "used memory"|cut -d "K" -f1 ; done)|xargs echo|sed "s# #+#g#"`)/1024))MB used
misses the used memory in dom0, so better:

echo $(((`(for VM in $(xl list|egrep -v "(Name|dom0)"|cut -d " " -f1) ; do 
/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-client -d $VM user:"/usr/bin/vmstat -s -S K" -t -T|grep 
"used memory"|cut -d "K" -f1 ; done)|xargs echo $(vmstat -s -S K|grep "used 
memory"|cut -d "K" -f1)|sed "s# #+#g#"`)/1024))

which is better done like this:

echo $(((`( vmstat -s -S K ; for VM in $(xl list|egrep -v "(Name|dom0)"|cut -d 
" " -f1) ; do qvm-run $VM -p "/usr/bin/vmstat -s -S K" ; done ) | grep "used 
memory" | cut -d "K" -f1 | xargs echo | sed "s# #+#g#"`)/1024))

which is also easier to understand I think ;) Essentially it runs vmstat
everywhere and adds up the numbers for "used memory", that's all.

And, it still should better read /proc/meminfo…


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