On Thursday, 25 May 2017 19:00:18 UTC+2, Eric Duncan  wrote:
> Hello:
> Does Quebes perform a machine-specific installation?  IOWs, can I install 
> Quebes on a single USB device and share it across different machine setups?
> E.g. if I install Qubes on an 8 core desktop, w/64GB ram, SSD (just keep it 
> simple - only 1 SSD), Nvidia GPUs, etc - can I then take that exact same 
> install and boot it in my Core i7 dual-core tablet with only 8 gb of ram 
> without any issues?
> I ask because of two reasons:
> * I cannot format entire HDDs to dedicate to Qubes OS.  I still do some 
> Windows 10, iOS and Linux development and need macOS for other various 
> things.  A dual-boot setup is not "secure."
> * I was thinking of setting up an mSATA drive and USB3 adapter for Quebes, 
> encrypt the partitions and evil-maid protection and etc, and boot it in 
> multiple devices.
> I currently have it installed as a dual-boot on my Lenovo Helix (full support 
> for 4.x btw!).  But, I'd like to boot Quebes on my desktop and other machines 
> I use...
> ...while keeping it secure, by using the entire mSATA drive for Quebes.
> Thanks in advance!
> -E
> Ps, I have already attempted to try this with a USB3 stick and had possibly 
> unrelated failures.  Hence, why I am asking about the installation process 
> and hardware configurations- if any.  
> Before I invest into an external drive setup, I'd like to know if there are 
> any foreseen issues first.

well as far as i know, it will work if it meets the minimum requirements.
i wonder if your tablet supports vt-x and vt-d though.

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