On 06/28/2017 12:19 PM, wordswithn...@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks, and point taken on not focusing on security implications.

I found a thread from last year where some third-party devs are concerned about 
the implications of letting qvm-run -p run wild:


It's a good idea, but I think I'm looking for a more secure solution - if it's 
out there.

IIUC, having dom0 parse the file list is whats worrying you? Otherwise, passing data through dom0 (no parsing) should be considered secure.

You can have dom0 pipe between machines like so:
qvm-run -p sys-net "tar -cf - /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections" | qvm-run -p sys-net-profiles "tar -xf -"

This entails a small amount of risk to the profiles VM (because tar file is parsed there), but not to dom0.


Chris Laprise, tas...@openmailbox.org
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