On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 05:59:53PM +0200, Barry Du Plessis wrote:
> Hi
> I recently installed Qubes R3.2 on my Lenovo T540p.  It installed and is
> running.  The wifi card in the machine is an Intel Wireless 7260.  Qubes
> does pick this up, and connects to my wifi, BUT the connection is
> intermittend.  If I ping (e.g.) ping www.google.com, I will get a packet
> loss of anything between 20% to 50%.
> I have previously installed Ubuntu on the same hardware, and had a similar
> problem there, which I solved by disabling 802.11n on the wireless (add
> "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1" to /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf).
> However, this does not seem to work on Qubes - I have added the file in
> both a dom0 and net-sys terminal (as root), and in both cases the file
> disappeared after rebooting the system and the problem remains.
> I have searched Google and the qubes groups, but could not find a solution
> to this problem.  Can someone please either tell me how/where to set the
> 11n_disable parameter, or else have another solution for the intermittent
> network problem?  It is at the moment impossible to use the Internet or
> install software because of this.
> Thanks
> Barry

Hi Barry - 
You need to understand a core feature of Qubes - the use of Templates to
back individual qubes. There is a good explanation here:

So you can make a permanent change by altering the Template on which
your sys-net is based.
It's also possible to make individual changes by putting them in to
/rw/config/rc.local in the qube - Look here:
Remember to chmod +x rc.local if you want the changes to take effect on

There is another mechanism - the use of bind-dirs to have a persistent
config file in a Template-based qube. Again, that's covered inn the



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