On Friday, November 10, 2017 at 2:20:02 PM UTC, Stumpy wrote:
> Hi, I just tried installing rc1 on my computer and it went swimingly 
> until I tried logging in at which point I got the error that was 
> something like
> /usr/bin/qvm-start, firewall failed stderr cannot execute qrexec-daeomn
> I noticed on github that adrelanos has already posted about this bug and 
> marmarek suggested trying
> qvm-start sysfirewall
> I tried that and it got:
> cannot execute qrexec daemon
> For what its worth I also tried to start the sys-usb so I could copy a 
> file to usb and post it but got this error when I tried to start it:
> start failed: internal error: libxenlight failed to create new domain 
> "sys-usb"
> marmarek also suggested looking at the output of
> sudo journalctl
> i put that into a txt file (700k+) but wasn't able to glean anythign 
> from it. I wanted to post the file to the group, or pastebin, but as i 
> mentioned I couldnt get usb-sys going, or any other vms really.
> sys-net starts up but as far as I can tell that is the only one, all the 
> others don't start automatically or manually?

How come you installed rc1? It's basically alpha release, in other words, 
extremely buggy and purely intended for testing purposes by the community. RC2 
is technically what you could call beta release, which is potentially much more 
stable, but also not ready for final release. I assume you're talking about 
Qubes 4 RC-1 and not the now very old Qubes 3 RC-1. 

Try install Qubes 4 RC-2, and see if it works. Otherwise stick to Qubes 3.2. 
for now, which is much more stable. 

If you encounter python errors during the last stage Qubes 4 install, then 
re-install again, and try different configurations in the last install stage 

Also take note of this article 
https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2017/10/18/msi-support/ which was released 
between Qubes 4 RC-1 and Qubes 4 RC-2. Basically, this fix is not in the Qubes 
4 RC-1, and it certainly is a fix that might affect your current problem.

It's imho quite likely that your firewall won't start if sys-net is not working 
properly. For example if your sys-net is in HVM mode instead of PV mode, and 
you installed the Qubes RC-1 system without the PCI passthrough fixes. You need 
your network card properly passed through in sys-net VM before the firewall in 
sys-firewall VM can establish an internet connection. 

You'd want a system with working networking, otherwise you can't easily get the 
updates required to fix your alpha/beta release bugs and errors. Keep in mind, 
neither Qubes 4 RC-1 or Qubes RC-2 are stable releases, don't expect it work 
out of the box, the developers are still working on the final release. 
Alpha/Beta releases are for people who are support developers, community 
testers, or the curious souls. It's not meant for productivity or anything 
you'd expect of a stable system, unless, as some call it, that you are very 

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