On Mon, Jan 01, 2018 at 08:44:22AM -0800, Kyle Breneman wrote:
> I have successfully verified the fingerprint for the Qubes Master Signing 
> Key.  I have verified the Release 3 ISO signature using the Qubes Release 3 
> Signing Key. How do I verify that the Release 3 signing key is good? Do I 
> somehow use the Qubes Master Signing Key to verify the authenticity of the 
> Release 3 Signing Key? If so, please explain how to do this with gpg4win? 
> Thanks!

In gpg4win you can do this by importing the certificates in kleopatra.
Then double-click on the R3 certificate to see the certificate details.
Go to the User-IDs and Certifications tab, click on "Obtain
authentications" and you should see that the R3 certificate is signed by
the Master Signing Key(certificate).

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