On Friday, 19 January 2018 17:52:41 UTC, Alex Dubois  wrote:
> On Friday, 19 January 2018 12:05:36 UTC, Tom Zander  wrote:
> > On Friday, 19 January 2018 12:48:27 CET wordswithn...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > Qubes already has built-in the capability to screenshot the entire desktop
> > > (Printscreen)  or the current window (Ctrl+Printscreen).
> > 
> > Yes, it does.
> > 
> > But this is not something you should use and then send to a VM becuase that 
> > VM then suddenly gets knowledge about all the other windows on screen that 
> > may be from another VM.
> Default should prevent, but user should have choice.
> > 
> > Imagine having your Vault VM window open with all your passwords and then 
> > you auto-upload a screenshot of that into a compromised VM which then 
> > causes 
> > the screenshot to be uploaded to a server.
> > 
> > I'm not aware of any way to avoid this data-leakage using the screenshot 
> > application in dom0.
> > -- 
> > Tom Zander
> > Blog: https://zander.github.io
> > Vlog: https://vimeo.com/channels/tomscryptochannel
> XFCE (default Qubes Windows manager) provides a screenshot application 
> (Menu/System Tools/Screenshot activated with the PrintScreen Key as well)
> This launch a windows with:
> - Region to capture (radio selection)
>   - Entire screen (selected by default)
>   - Active window
>   - Select a region
> - Delay before capturing
>   - X seconds (default is 1)
> - Capture mouse pointer
>   - Y/N (default Y)
> What I think needs to be done:
> - Change the default for region to capture to "active window"
> - Also
>   - hook into screenshot so that either
>     - when OK (or Enter key) is pressed
>       - the Save As dialog is replace by another one where you put the VM 
> name (and it goes into QubesIncoming in that VM, for Dom0 into 
> /home/user/screenshots)
>         - Dom0 Confirmation pop-up appear (same as usual copy/move file) with 
> a preview (TBC)?
>    OR - the Save As dialog has a kind of "network drive list" which is the 
> list of VMs that are running, and saving there save to QubesIncoming for that 
> VM. You have to prevent the create directory and other stuff probably. 
> Benefit is that it is probably re-usable for any Dom0 apps which use the Save 
> As window.

OK for the impatient, this will send a screenshot of the current window to a VM 
(no selection of target VM for the moment):

1- Bind shortcut key:
Click on: Menu/System Tools/Keyboard
Click on: Application Shortcuts tab
Click on Add
Command: xfce4-screenshooter -w -o /usr/local/bin/screenshooter.sh
Bind to Ctrl + Shift + PrintScreen (or whatever you want)

2- Create script that will copy the file to the target VM
in Dom0 terminal
sudo vi /usr/local/screenshooter.sh

cat $1  qvm-run --pass-io <VMName> "cat > /home/user/`echo $1 | awk -F'/' 
'{print $3}'`"

where <VMName> is the started VM that will receive the screenshot. You can 
obviously choose a path that user has write access to. You may want to clean 
the file that is save by default in /tmp by adding this line
rm /tmp/`echo $1 | awk -F'/' '{print $3}'`"

3- Make the script executable
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/screenshooter.sh

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