Thanks for comments. 

For info - have used Debian for around 10 years till I swapped to Qubes around 
1 year ago. Windows before that. I use CLONEZILLA as it gives easy 
backup/restore for my old (Occasional use Os's) + QUBES + my wife's UBUNTU. 
In extreme case of needing an individual old file (NOT NEEDED YET) - I could 
restore an old IMAGE to a spare HDD on chosen PC and then copy it from there. 
Not elegant but it would work.

Am retired and just experimenting the other day for general education - to see 
if I could get an individual file from an old image copy. As per above - no 
problem on non-QUBES. (TO answer one point above - I did restore full disk 
image to hda1.img and could then access all files - this was no real effort - 
enter an instruction, wait a couple of minutes and its all there).
Ideally for me there would be something simple for me with QUBES.

Have no problem backing up VM's to separate HDD on main PC and copying back as 
needed - this may be the way forward for me - but I'd still do the CLONEZILLA 
(BACKUP EVERYTHING) approach as I get a complete system if say my SSD fails.
Backing up everything and then being able to select an odd file if ever needed 
just seems a simpler concept to me!

My preference is to have "BACKUP" even of VM's on separate PC (as per my 
CLONEZILLA images) but though one can apparently use SSH to send files through 
to separate SERVER PC, I haven't yet managed to get this work - I'm OK when 
using SSH to copy from EG my DEBIAN system to SERVER - but the "right" SSH 
instruction within the QUBES BACKUP PROCESS seems to be eluding me!

The restore /var/lib/qubes and loopback approach may be a bit beyond me. Can 
see the relevant files for my live system but not sure about the data within my 
clonezilla image. 

If this is feasible from CLONEZILLA image stored on separate internal server, I 
might see if I can try and understand it - will have a look another day. Think 
I'll go hill-walking tomorrow!  

Thanks again for all comments.

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