On Mon, April 16, 2018 9:34 pm, hype wrote:
> Using the following guide I've been able to mount the raw, qemu-img
> converted .vmdk files onto a loop device, thus I'm able to access every
> partition of the virtual machine.
> https://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/convert-vm-iso
> Unfortunately the end of the guide is broken for my case and I'm unable
> to generate the iso. I've successfully extracted the root filesystem.
> Now that I have all the data, how to I turn this into an iso file which
> will load the vm? Please help, I've been banging my head on this thing
> for a week and am lost. :(

Wouldn't it be easiest to do a fresh install of Centos into a new HVM?
Don't have any experience with it, though. Another thing you might try is
to create the HVM, then dd your loop device straight into the new HVM's
root LVM partition (as long as what's in loop is already a bootable
partition with GRUB). Be careful to not dd to the wrong one.

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