hi all,

I am currently running a Qubes 4 system with all my AppVMs based on Debian. 
(btw thanks to the Qubes devs for providing this "out of the box" when I know 
you prefer Fedora: very democratic :)

Updating the Fedora 26 template takes forever and a lot of it is software I 
will never use. I am tempted to try to replace this with the minimal template, 
and wondered if there is a step by step Qubes-for-Dummies description of how to 
do this?

If so, please could somebody post a link?

If not, what I have found so far is a page at


which helpfully lists how to install the template and which packages I need to 
add to it before I try to use it with sys-net sys-firewall and sys-usb.

So my current plan is

1. install the minimal template
2. add the required packages
3. backup all qubes in case of finger trouble
4. from Qube Settings in each the sys- domains change the template
5. reboot

Is there anything important I have missed?

And finally, after I have got everything running off Fedora Minimal or Debian, 
would I use qubes-remove or dnf to remove the redundant Fedora-26 template?

Thanks for any advice - especially if I have missed something...

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