On 04/18/2018 01:46 PM, river14ap...@gmail.com wrote:
> hi all,
> I am currently running a Qubes 4 system with all my AppVMs based on Debian. 
> (btw thanks to the Qubes devs for providing this "out of the box" when I know 
> you prefer Fedora: very democratic :)
> Updating the Fedora 26 template takes forever and a lot of it is software I 
> will never use. I am tempted to try to replace this with the minimal 
> template, and wondered if there is a step by step Qubes-for-Dummies 
> description of how to do this?
> If so, please could somebody post a link?
> If not, what I have found so far is a page at
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/fedora-minimal/

that's the right doc page.

> which helpfully lists how to install the template and which packages I need 
> to add to it before I try to use it with sys-net sys-firewall and sys-usb.
> So my current plan is
> 1. install the minimal template

+ once installed, I'd advise to leave the template as-is and customize a

qvm-clone fedora-26-minimal fedora-26-mini

> 2. add the required packages

for info those were the rpms I installed in my minimal templates (they
include those listed in the doc + a few other ones I needed)

keepassxc pwgen

`dnf info packagename` will show you what package does what if you're
wondering what a rpm is for.

as a side note, my sys-usb VM is based on a "heavy" template because I
often plug stuff like smartphones, soundcards, ... and Qubes's usb
passthrough doesn't work too well with those.

> 3. backup all qubes in case of finger trouble

that shouldn't be needed because the only thing you do is change the
qube VM's template. If something goes wrong, just revert to the original
fedora-26 template

> 4. from Qube Settings in each the sys- domains change the template

or for a quicker alternative, in a dom0 terminal:

qvm-prefs vmname template fedora-26-mini

> 5. reboot

either that, or shutdown all your sys-* VMs and restart them in the
right order (sys-net then sys-firewall). Qubes 4.0 should automatically
reconnect the other qube VMs to sys-firewall.

> Is there anything important I have missed?

I don't think so !

> And finally, after I have got everything running off Fedora Minimal or 
> Debian, would I use qubes-remove or dnf to remove the redundant Fedora-26 
> template?

dnf, because using `qvm-remove` would remove rpm installed files which
is usually not a good thing (I'm not sure what will happen when/if a new
template rpm is pushed in the repos - maybe the template's file will get

if you already removed a rpm-installed template with `qvm-remove`, IIRC
dnf (or `rpm -e`) will complain because pre/post scripts fail; in that
case you can remove the rpm with `rpm --noscripts` or something like that.

> Thanks for any advice - especially if I have missed something...

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