On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 12:02:51 PM UTC+2, Wolf moon wrote:
> On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 10:46:44 UTC+1, Антон Чехов  wrote:
> > On Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 10:37:06 AM UTC+2, Wolf moon wrote:
> > > On Saturday, 15 September 2018 04:21:53 UTC+1, Wolf moon  wrote:
> > > > Hi guys New to Qubes ( which is an amazing feat of cyber security 
> > > > engineering ) all working fine and learning my way around it. 
> > > > 
> > > > My only issue is logging into my vpn service. 
> > > > 
> > > > I have followed the Qubes instructions ( which the images are different 
> > > > to Qubes 4.0 and after searching the net on this matter someone said 
> > > > that this is a shot of the previous Qubes so not helpful there ) I also 
> > > > contacted my vpn service on the matter. They read up on the Qubes 
> > > > instructions and emailed me back a step by step guide but still no joy. 
> > > > 
> > > > My vpn service works well on my Raspberry Pi 3 in the command line ( 
> > > > which I found simple instructions for elsewhere on the internet ) and 
> > > > works fine on my windows 10 system as its got an app interface you 
> > > > download.
> > > > 
> > > > Its just Qubes I am having issues with. I am by no means a hardcore 
> > > > techy, I am learning and not afraid or unfamiliar using the command 
> > > > line in linux. 
> > > > 
> > > > I have contacted the Qubes team after trying my best effort to resolve 
> > > > this on my own as I know they are a small team of 5 or so last time I 
> > > > checked.
> > > > 
> > > > Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
> > > > 
> > > > Best,
> > > > 
> > > > Wolf Moon
> > > 
> > > Okay guys so I am signed up to Nordvpn. ( To note: I always update 
> > > everything in Qube manager )
> > > 
> > > I started off by google searching how to set up a vpn on qubes. I dont 
> > > have every forum page be it google groups or reddit page saved I read 
> > > unfortunately. 
> > > 
> > > But they generally instructed me to do go through the steps to set up a 
> > > vpn as Qubes instructs on their page 
> > > https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/vpn/#set-up-a-proxyvm-as-a-vpn-gateway-using-networkmanager
> > > 
> > > Specifically Set up a ProxyVM as a VPN gateway using iptables and CLI 
> > > scripts
> > > 
> > > What I was referencing referring to the diagram/photo being outdated or 
> > > of the old version of Qubes prior to 4.0 was the Dom0 create a new Vm. It 
> > > just comes up looking different which is what one of the OPs mentioned on 
> > > one of the how to guides I found. 
> > > 
> > > Moving forward.
> > > 
> > > Certain commands didn't work like sudo which after googling one forum 
> > > posted in Qubes you dont use sudo much, dnf ( what ever that is ) is used 
> > > instead which is what I used.
> > > 
> > > I created a Qube named it Nordvpn > Template > Fedora-26 > Networking > 
> > > sys-net 
> > > Appvm
> > > 
> > > From there the rest of the instructions didn't work on Qubes for me.
> > > 
> > > Apart from downloading the nord config files successfully which are in my 
> > > nordvpn documents folder with all the server addresses as txt files eg 
> > > uk648.nordvpn.comtcp443.ovpn
> > > 
> > > Also was instructed to download nano reader and a few other things.
> > > 
> > > My cd ls in my nordvpn terminal is as follows 
> > > 
> > > Desktop    Music      Templates       nano.save
> > > Documents  Pictures   Videos          openvpn-client.ovpn.txt
> > > Downloads  Public      auth-user-pass  pass.txt        
> > > 
> > > ( To note and jumping ahead: following tasket's Reddit page on Qubes vpn 
> > > set up instructions I added vpn-handler-openvpn to services in the appvm 
> > > I named Nordvpn )
> > > 
> > > So from there comes Nordvpns reply ( they were very helpful before 
> > > helping me successfully setting up my vpn link on my Raspberry Pi )
> > > 
> > > I received this email: 
> > > 
> > > Hello, Adam,
> > > 
> > > I have checked your OS documentation and it would be great if you could 
> > > test out the following setup:
> > > Disable any auto-starting service that comes with the software package. 
> > > For example for OpenVPN.
> > > sudo systemctl disable openvpn.service
> > > You may also wish to install nano or another simple text editor for 
> > > entering the scripts below. Now run the following command to create VPN 
> > > directory:
> > > sudo mkdir /rw/config/vpn
> > > Enter the directory using the following command:
> > > cd 
> > > /rw/config/vpn
> > > 
> > > Then our website - https://nordvpn.com/servers/#recommended , on the 
> > > server picker you will see recommended server number. Then open 
> > > https://nordvpn.com/ovpn/ website and download recommended server file. 
> > > You can download directly to device and transfer to your VM or use 
> > > command to download from the hyperlink:
> > > sudo wget 
> > > https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/files/ovpn_legacy/servers/us1310.nordvpn.com.udp1194.ovpn
> > > (Change the last line of server name to download the correct file). Then 
> > > rename downloaded file to client.ovpn
> > > The VPN client may not be able to prompt you for credentials when 
> > > connecting to the server. Create a file in the /rw/config/vpn folder with 
> > > your credentials and using a directive. For example for OpenVPN, edit:
> > > auth-user-pass
> > > to:
> > > auth-user-pass pass.txt
> > > 
> > > Save file /rw/config/vpn/client.ovpn. Make sure a /rw/config/vpn/pass.txt 
> > > file actually exists.
> > > sudo nano /rw/config/vpn/pass.txt
> > > Add:
> > > username
> > > password
> > > Replace username and password with your actual username and password.
> > > Test your client configuration: Run the client from a CLI prompt in the 
> > > ‘vpn’ folder, preferably as root. For example:
> > > sudo openvpn --cd /rw/config/vpn --config client.ovpn
> > > Watch for status messages that indicate whether the connection is 
> > > successful and test from another VPN VM terminal window with ping.
> > > ping
> > > ping can be aborted by pressing the two keys ctrl + c at the same time. 
> > > DNS may be tested at this point by replacing addresses in 
> > > /etc/resolv.conf with ones appropriate for your VPN (although this file 
> > > will not be used when setup is complete). Diagnose any connection 
> > > problems using resources such as client documentation and help from your 
> > > VPN service provider. Proceed to the next step when you’re sure the basic 
> > > VPN connection is working.
> > > 
> > > Set up the VPN’s autostart.
> > > sudo nano /rw/config/rc.local
> > > Clear out the existing lines and add:
> > > #!/bin/bash 
> > > VPN_CLIENT='openvpn' VPN_OPTIONS='--cd /rw/config/vpn/ --config 
> > > openvpn-client.ovpn --daemon'
> > > su - -c 'notify-send "$(hostname): Starting $VPN_CLIENT..." 
> > > --icon=network-idle' user
> > > groupadd -rf qvpn ; sleep 2s
> > > sg qvpn -c "$VPN_CLIENT $VPN_OPTIONS" 
> > > If you are using anything other than OpenVPN, change the VPN_CLIENT and 
> > > VPN_OPTIONS variables to match your VPN software. Save the script. Make 
> > > it executable.
> > > sudo chmod +x /rw/config/rc.local
> > > Restart the new VM! The link should then be established automatically 
> > > with a popup notification to that effect.
> > > 
> > > Let us know how it will go! 
> > > 
> > > But..starting out I fell over the first hurdle. 
> > > 
> > > in the Nordvpn terminal I typed in Sudo systemctl disable openvpn.service
> > > 
> > > message back: Failed to disable unit: Unit file openvpn.service doesn not 
> > > exist. 
> > > 
> > > That is where I am now.
> > > 
> > > Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 
> > > 
> > > Best,
> > > 
> > > Wolf moon
> > 
> > You cannot disable something that does not exist. Just move on to the next 
> > point. Did you enable the "provides network" option while creating your 
> > VPN-App?
> > 
> > Creating a new VPN-app is looking like that for me, my apps stand for the 
> > country:
> > 
> > Name: sys-vpn-austria
> > Type: AppVM
> > Template: Debian (or course you can use Fedora, but it should be 28, 26 is 
> > outdated!)
> > Networking: default (sys-firewall)
> > provides network: enabled
> > 
> > The guide provided seems fine and you could check if the connection works 
> > but you should include the other scripts as well in order to make sure that 
> > all traffic is going through your vpn only.
> Yes I did enable provide network sys-net. 
> Okay switched to the same settings you have in your vpn. 
> Which particular guide are you referring to as there are a few.
> I am lost when you say include other scripts as I do not know what scripts 
> you are referring to.

I am used to this guide:
starting here:
Set up a ProxyVM as a VPN gateway using iptables and CLI scripts

There are scripts for DNS-handling, firewall and autostart included.

I do not rename my ovpn-client file but use the original name instead 
(uk648.nordvpn.comtcp443.ovpn). Just pay attention to insert it whenever 
"openvpn-client.ovpn" is mentioned. 
This is important when creating the autostart script (point 6):

The script would look like this:

VPN_OPTIONS='--cd /rw/config/vpn/ --config uk648.nordvpn.comtcp443.ovpn 
su - -c 'notify-send "$(hostname): Starting $VPN_CLIENT..." 
--icon=network-idle' user
groupadd -rf qvpn ; sleep 2s

This approach should be easier but I only tried it once. It did work fine for 

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