On 12/14/2018 03:42 PM, Achim Patzner wrote:
> On 20181213 at 19:20 -0800 Sphere wrote:
>> If only I could establish my own CPU production company I would definitely 
>> support libre hardware/libreboot/coreboot and such but sadly we are in a 
>> world with high demands to processing and stuff and due to how there is 
>> hardly any support for libre hardware, the processing needs are hardly 
>> filled out and even more so with limited budget.
> You could have bought a Power 9-based board and (4-core/16-thread) CPU
> for less than $1000 a few weeks ago.

Yeah they're made in usa, fully owner controlled and the raptorcs
OpenPOWER9 boards like the TALOS 2 and Blackbird have real open source
firmware with open hw init directly from the factory.
The prices are pretty good vs non-free intel/amd server hardware in the
same performance/feature class

OpenPOWER is now the only owner controlled performance cpu arch.

Note that qubes/xen doesn't currently run on it but you can use

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