> Hey Qubenix, I have an update for you and anyone curious. The MDB_BAD_TXN 
> error has been resolved. For anyone wondering this error most likely mean 
> your blockchain was interrupted during sync and is now corrupt. 
> The solution advised by Monero channels is to delete the blockchain data 
> ("lmdb") amd resync. 
> I was recommended to include the flag '--db-sync-mode=safe' to monerod upon 
> startup to protect against unexpected interruptions or reboots during sync.
> You should be able to locate the blockchain within /home/user/.bitmonero/
> Keep in mind .bitmonero is a hidden directory.
> After the resync everything regarding the daemon seem to be in place and 
> running. I will repost the most recent logs and provide fresh ones as well. 
> I am being redirected back here since that particular monerod error appear to 
> be resolved, there may be a minor issue with the separation setup of wallet 
> and daemon VMs. The lower-left Network Status is 'disconnected' and of course 
> "Wallet is not connected to daemon" is still visible above. 
> If there is anything specific I should verify and confirm, I  would gladly 
> take a look. 
> Thanks everyone
> Monerod status (previous)
> https://pastebin.com/v95gn1aB
> Monerod Bitmonero.log (previous)
> https://pastebin.com/3mzhuSHt
> Monerod Status (fresh)
> https://pastebin.com/XwAy91dh
> Monerod Bitmonero.log (fresh)
> https://pastebin.com/CHSHg9Zz
> Hopefully it's just something I'm overlooking.

Your daemon issues seem solved, so that's a step in the right direction.
Can you come on irc to resolve this (either freenode or oftc)? I suspect
we're going to be doing a lot of back and forth to find out which step
in the guide wasn't completed correctly.

If you want to, you can go back through the guide first and pay special
attention that you have done the following correctly:

1. Set up qrexec policy (/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/whonix.monerod-mainnet)
in dom0. Guide section 1.4.
2. Set up qrexec file
(/rw/usrlocal/etc/qubes-rpc/whonix.monerod-mainnet) on the daemon vm.
Guide section 3.2.
3. Set up /rw/config/rc.local on wallet vm. Guide section 4.2.

If all of that is done correct, the gui is set to use a local node, and
you still have no connection then we will need to do a lot of back and
forth with running commands in vms and telling me the output.


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