On Thursday, 20 December 2018 22:02:00 UTC-3:30, John Goold  wrote:
> Attached is screenshot, taken under my current OS, showing OS and hardware 
> info.
> After spending much too much time trying to track the problem down (using the 
> 4.0, 4.0.1-RC1 and 4.0.1-RC2 ISOs) I discovered why getting the installer to 
> run was failing...
> I had to unplug my external monitor (connected via an HDMI port).
> I was then able to boot the install DVD and install to an external USB (SSD) 
> drive (Seagate 2 TB). The install completed (supposedly successfully), but 
> attempts to boot from the USB drive fail.
> The boot process starts, with text being displayed starting in the top left 
> corner of the screen. It progresses to a point, then the screen goes black 
> and my computer starts to reboot.
> I have searched the mailing list and have failed to find a solution (hours 
> spent doing this). A lot of people seem to end up in boot-loops, using 
> various hardware.
> The attached file shows the hardware. The following information about the 
> BIOS/Firmware may be relevant:
> * Legacy Boot is enabled
> * Virtualization Technology is enabled
> During the install I setup a user account. I did not enable disk encryption 
> (I will leave that until after I can get Qubes to boot).
> Comment: This boot-loop problem (or similar boot-loop problems) seems to be a 
> major issue with installing Qubes 4.x. Each time I come across a posting 
> about it, there seem to be different suggestions (some of which work on the 
> particular hardware involved) and some of which do not.
> I believe that I tried R3.1 about a year or so ago and that it booted 
> alright. I cannot remember why I did not follow through on adopting Qubes (if 
> I could not get my external monitor working, that would be a deal-breaker).
> Suggestions would be appreciated. I will provide any additional information I 
> am capable of.

This thread is getting verbose, so I have replied to the original post and will 
attempt a brief summary of the rest of the thread (for context):

Determining what is happening would be facilitated by seeing any entries in log 
files (assuming the boot got far enough to log anything).

That means checking files on the USB drive used as the target of the install 
and which causes the boot-loop when attempting to boot.

Since the boot is failing, I cannot look at the log files under the booted 
Qubes OS, so instead I attempted to look for the log files when booted into 
another OS (Linux Mint 19.1).

Qubes is using LVM to handle allocating disk space (presumably to facilitate 
being able to add additional physical disks to an existing Qubes install). 
There appeared, at first glance to be 3 Logical volumes:


Linux Mint mounted the LV "swap" automatically, but not the other two. The 
other two appear not to be "activated" and mount attempts failed. Attempts to 
"activate" the LVs fail.

After searching the Net for information on LVM, I came across an article that 
helped me understand the Qubes setup better…

There is one Logical Volume Group called "qubes_dom0".
Within that there is a Logical Volume, "swap", that is detected and mounted 
automatically by my Linux Mint installation.
Additionally, there is a "Thin Pool" allocated that uses up the rest of the 
space in the Volume Group. It is distinguished by information displayed by the 
lvdisplay command ("LV Pool metadata" and "LV Pool data").

Within that "thin pool", a logical volume, "root" has been created that uses 
all the disk space currently assigned.

Unfortunately, that knowledge has not helped me mount the LV, "root". The mount 
fails. It is still not clear whether the Qubes install has done (or failed to 
do) something to the LVM setup or whether I have just failed to understand how 
to activate the thin pool and the contained logical volume.

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