Nicklas Williams wrote on 4/3/19 9:30 PM:
Thanks for your help.  The issue here is that I cannot get to the loader.  If i boot to USB it 
works after the kernel params listed above, but this model cannot do legacy boot to internal 
drives.  I have to do UEFI install but UEFI fails before I get to anaconda.  I need to be able to 
change the original ISO somehow to add the kernal params to turn off nouveau but because ISO is a 
read only file, it doesn't work.  I tried copying the files to a folder, then making an ISO from 
the folder, but that method does the same thing.  It will attempt to boot, then either go to the 
"dracut timeout" screen, or it just goes to a blank screen with no further activity.  
Very frustrating, since I bought this laptop specifically to use Qubes, now im finding out that I 
can't install it.  Is there any way to edit the qubes ISO file so I dont have the nouveau driver 
activated?  Every method ive tried tells me "read only file"

Try "apt install isomaster" in Debian.

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