On Sun, Feb 09, 2020 at 01:46:12PM +0000, 'awokd' via qubes-users wrote:
> Maybe it doesn't like the "disposable" part? Try it with a regular AppVM
> based on that same minimal template.

I did: makes no difference. Also I've been running debian-based and
fedora-based disposable sys-firewall for years. It has most likely to do
with the -minimal template and me being oblivious to what the Qubes
Manger looks for. 

After verifying that the firewall does indeed work and does what it's
supposed to do I see this as a minor annoyance. I saw some discussion on
github about how the Qubes Manager recognizes firewall functionality but
all those things I already checked - I think (see previous postings).

Could you point out to me please how I would verify that the qubes-firewall 
service is up and running?


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