I have an issue with Split GPG as well as with opening files in the
disposable VMs and with the qrexec in the guide How to use Monero
CLI/daemon with Qubes + Whonix too.
Split GPG
Opening Thunderbird, I get following errors in the notification popup:
Denied: whonix.NewStatus
Denied whonix.NewStatus+status from work-email to sys-whonix
I have to as well make every gpg action confirm in the Dom0 Operation
Execution with Target GPG backend.
Using dispVMs from within AppVM
When trying to convert file or open it in the disposable VM from within
the normal AppVM, I get an error popuplike :
Denied: qubes.PdfConvert
Denied qubes.pdfConvert from work-email to @dispvm
Any advice appreciated!
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