On 4/2/2012 5:20 PM, E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists wrote:
Alby VA wrote:
Aside from the most authoritative NTP Docs,
   where is an NTP 101 Doc on understand the basics?
  Not specially with running NTP, but with grasping
   time concepts, PPS, Stratum-0 Devices, etc?
  In short, where are the Cliff Notes
   on the Ph.D lecture of Time and Time tracking devices?


  Has Sections on "Basic Concepts" and "How NTP Works".
   {Although I found "In the Belly of the Beast"
    (algorithm descriptions) more interesting.}

A quick google finds:

Professor David Mills has written a book on NTP, which he more or less invented. It's a text intended for a college course and fairly expensive. I get the idea that a background in control systems theory might be a big help in understanding NTP.

If you just want to install it and keep a bunch of computers marching to the beat of an "atomic clock" somewhere, that's what it's for!

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