On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Martin Burnicki <
martin.burni...@meinberg.de> wrote:

> If you had a "pure client" installation you couldn't even send an
> "ntpdate" request to that machine just to check the time offsets.

Let's try and return to the original issue.  timepps.h is not included in
core Debian or Ubuntu (I don't know about other Debian downstream
distros).  As part of trying to understand this issue I suggested that
people running refclocks should have greater sophistication that people not
running refclocks and that I seemed to recall a distro that shipped an ntpd
with (effectively) disable-all-clocks and an ntpd with enable-all-clocks.
That's what I'm talking about -- a Linux build of a refclock-free ntpd.  I
have no idea what Harlan Stenn is considering.

I'm sorry if I was unclear that this had nothing to do with broader ntp
development or Windows.  Even my observation was a bit off-topic and I
should have refrained from mentioning it.
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