On 2018-01-05 20:52, Rolf Turner wrote:

In a help file that I am writing I wish to cite an item by a bloke whose surname is Weiß.

      Write it "Weiss".

      See "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9F";.

      That name is written "Weiss" in Switzerland and Liechtenstein but "Weiß" in Germany and Austria.  German is the official language of Liechtenstein and the primary of four official languages of Switzerland.

      Standard high German has several characters that are not used in English but have standard transliterations using the English latin alphabet.  These include "ß" = "ss", "ä" = "ae", "ö" = "oe" and "ü" = "ue".

      Spencer Graves

In LaTeX I would use the macro \ss, but Rd files don't accept that.

Is there any way that I can create the ß symbol in a help file? I've done a bit of web-searching and found nothing helpful.

Of course I could just write "Weiss", but that's *so* non-U! :-)

Thanks for any ideas.


Rolf Turner

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