An alternative might be to consider cyclic splines in mgcv? this would
enable you to fit a gam(m) with two 'ends' (1deg and 359 deg) that match
up, but might allow more flexibility than combinations of sine/cosine?
something along the lines of  gam(response ~ s(exposure, bs='cc'),
I've used it successfully to look at seasonal effects through the year. I
imagine it would apply to circular data too, but happy to be told
good luck!

****** The new Bird Atlas is coming:

Dr Rob Robinson, Principal Ecologist
British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU
Ph: +44 (0)1842 750050     E:
Fx: +44 (0)1842 750030     W:

====== "How can anyone be enlightened, when truth is so poorly lit" =======

On 16 October 2013 12:47, David Warton <> wrote:

> Hi Peter and Don,
> unless you have an actual reason for only caring about the East-West axis,
> rather than all directions, you should include both cos and sin:
> cos(exposure*PI/180) and sin(exposure*PI/180)
> as Jeffrey originally suggested.
> [or more generally, cos(exposure*2*PI/T) and sin(exposure*2*PI/T) where T
> is the period of your circular variable]
> Geometrically, this maps the variable onto the unit circle (or in this
> case perhaps we should call it the unit compass?).
> All the best
> David
> ______________________________________________________
> David Warton
> Associate Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow
> School of Mathematics and Statistics and the Evolution & Ecology Research
> Centre
> The University of New South Wales NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA
> phone (61)(2) 9385-7031
> fax (61)(2) 9385-7123
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