Hi Tony.

A couple of additional shortcuts would be:

# name rows of data frame with first column
> anolis.dat<-read.csv("anolis_data.csv",row.names=1)

# sort rows by $tip.label
> anolis.dat<-anolis.dat[anolisChrono$tip.label,]

# then
> attach(anolis.dat)
> plot(anolisChrono,adj=0.5, cex=0.4)
# after "attaching" anolis.dat you can just call "micro" directly
> tiplabels(micro,frame="none", bg="white", adj=0.1, cex=0.4)

Liam J. Revell
University of Massachusetts Boston
web: http://faculty.umb.edu/liam.revell/
(new) email: liam.rev...@umb.edu
(new) blog: http://phytools.blogspot.com

On 2/27/2011 1:00 PM, Rich Glor wrote:

The problem is that tiplabels just throws up the labels in the same order as 
they appear in the matrix of data you're calling (i.e., anolisData).  The first 
entry in the the data matrix will therefore be associated with the first taxon 
in your tree.  This might not be obvious at first, but recall that tip #1 in 
your tree is the one at the bottom of the plotting window, not the top.  Note 
that the sequence of micro labels in your plot is in the same sequence as in 
the anolisData matrix: tip #1 in your tree (evermanni) has micro=1 and tip #2 
(stratulus) has micro=5, etc., matching the sequence in the anolisData matrix.  
One way to fix this is to use the matching function to reorder the data in 
anolisData so that it matches up with the order of the taxa in your tree:

match(anolisChrono$tip.label, rownames(anolisData)) ->  match
anolisData[,][match,] ->  sortedData
plot(anolisChrono,show.node.label=FALSE, adj=0.5, cex=0.4);
tiplabels(sortedData[,1],frame="none", bg="white", adj=0.1, cex=0.7)

Hope this helps,

On Feb 27, 2011, at 12:30 PM, Tony Gamble wrote:

I am having a problem matching data and tip.labels when I plot trait data on a 
phylogeny. I open the tree and data in R and convert the data to a dataframe 
and then assign taxon names from the tree to the values in the dataframe. When 
I simply print the dataframe the taxon names and data properly match up. Using 
the name.check function confirms that the taxon names in the tree match the 
taxon names in the dataframe. The problem occurs when I plot the tree and label 
the tips with both taxon names and the trait values. The taxon names are 
correctly placed onto the tree but the traits are not properly assigned to the 
tips. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I'm using R version 2.12.2 and APE 2.6-3.
The example below is based on the the sample data from the Bodega Bay tutorial 
but I've run into the same problem with my own datasets.
The tree and data files can be found here:

rownames(anolisData)<- anolis.dat[,1];
names(micro)<- anolisChrono$tip.label;
names(SVL)<- anolisChrono$tip.label;
name.check(anolisChrono, anolisData);
[1] "OK"
                micro   SVL
ahli                1  61.7
alayoni             5  46.8
alfaroi             0  36.0
aliniger            3  57.0
allisoni            3  75.0
allogus             1  62.8
altitudinalis       3  52.0
alumina             0  40.0
alutaceus           0  37.0
angusticeps         5  44.8
armouri             1  67.0
bahorucoensis       0  51.0
baleatus            4 180.0
baracoae            4 172.0
barahonae           4 160.0
bremeri             1  72.0
breslini            1  61.5
brevirostris        2  50.0
caudalis            2  48.0
chlorocyanus        3  76.0
clivicola           0  49.0
coelestinus         3  84.0
confusus            1  53.0
cooki               1  70.0
cristatellus        1  75.0
cupeyalensis        0  33.0
cuvieri             4 122.0
cyanopleurus        0  43.0
cybotes             1  77.0
darlingtoni         5  72.0
distichus           2  58.0
dolichocephalus     0  52.0
equestris           4 188.0
evermanni           3  70.0
garmani             4 131.0
garridoi            5  41.8
grahami             3  75.0
guafe               1  48.8
guazuma             5  48.5
gundlachi           1  68.0
haetianus           1  75.0
hendersoni          0  49.0
homolechis          1  70.0
imias               1  65.0
inexpectatus        0  37.0
insolitus           5  47.0
isolepis            3  52.0
jubar               1  62.0
krugi               0  45.0
lineatopus          1  70.0
longitibialis       1  72.0
loysiana            2  40.0
luteogularis        4 191.0
macilentus          0  41.0
marcanoi            1  57.0
marron              2  50.0
mestrei             1  56.0
noblei              4 190.0
occultus            5  42.0
olssoni             0  50.0
opalinus            3  53.0
ophiolepis          0  35.0
oporinus            3  47.0
paternus            5  50.0
placidus            5  46.0
poncensis           0  44.0
porcatus            3  73.0
pulchellus          0  47.0
quadriocellifer     1  55.0
rejectus            0  37.0
ricordii            4 160.0
rubribarbus         1  58.0
sagrei              1  70.0
semilineatus        0  40.0
sheplani            5  41.0
shrevei             1  60.0
singularis          3  45.0
smallwoodi          4 190.0
strahmi             1  79.0
stratulus           3  44.0
tranquillus         5  45.0
valencienni         5  80.0
vanidicus           0  39.0
websteri            2  51.0
whitemani           1  67.0

plot(anolisChrono,show.node.label=FALSE, adj=0.5, cex=0.4);
tiplabels(anolisData$micro,frame="none", bg="white", adj=0.1, cex=0.4)

I've put the tree plot here - A quick comparison to the dataframe above shows that the 
"micro" data do not match up to the correct tips and taxa:

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