Hi all,

My understanding of lambda is that it is a scalar multiplier for the
off-diagonal elements of the variance covariance matrix computed from
your tree.  When lambda = 1, then the trait is evolving according to
Brownian motion, when lambda = 0 there is no phylogenetic signal in
the data.

When I do a PGLS using packages ape and nlme I get a single estimate
of lambda for the following model.

gls(y~x, data=myDF, corr=myCor).

I thought this single lambda value represented the estimate of lambda
for variable y on myTree, but it is a different value than what I get
when I use estimate lambda for variable y using package geiger


Using figDiscrete I get a value very close to zero, whereas the lambda
estimated from the gls is around .65 and is significantly different
from zero.

Have I made an error, or do I not understand how lambda is being calculated?


Andrew Barr
PhD Student
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Texas Austin

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