Hi Alberto,

OK, I think the bigger and more general issue is how to "correct" for 
correlations with body size.  this is an issue in many circumstances, both 
biologically and statistically, aside from any questions about how best to test 
for or quantify phylogenetic signal.  I think that if you get it right from the 
biological/statistical perspective then you will also have the answer regarding 
what to do for phylogenetic signal.

When you compute a ratio (divide by a measure of body size) in hopes of 
"removing" the effects of body size you are implicitly assuming that the trait 
varies directly with the measure of body size.  For example, computing tail 
length/body length for snakes might be a good way to "remove" the effects of 
body size if snakes of all sizes, on average, have tails of the same relative 

However, many traits do not vary directly with any measure of body size.  For 
example, resting metabolic rate generally does not vary directly with body 
mass.  Rather, it scales on body mass (log-log plot) with a slope of about 
0.6-0.8.  Hence, if you compute the ratio metabolic rate/body mass it will show 
a negative relation with body mass, and so you have not "removed" the 
correlation with body mass.  In such a case, it is generally better to do the 
log-log regression and compute residuals.  Or, you can do what I described 
previously (see Blomberg et al., 2003, pages 720-721).

In some cases, you might have strong a priori knowledge or particular 
biological needs that would lead you to trust computing a ratio for your 
particular purposes.  For example, one might compute the ratio of forelimb 
length divided by hindlimb length of lizards for some purposes.  In general, 
however, the regression approach is probably safest if you want to then analyze 
a trait that is no longer correlated with body size.


---- Original message ----

  Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 02:13:36 +0200
  From: Alberto Gallano <alberto....@gmail.com>
  Subject: Re: [R-sig-phylo] How to detect phylogenetic signal
  (lambda) in one unscaled trait?
  To: Alejandro Gonzalez <alejandro.gonza...@ebd.csic.es>
  Cc: R-phylo Mailing-list <r-sig-phylo@r-project.org>

  >Thanks Alejandro,
  >yes, I see this difference. I think my question is: if the goal is
  to assess
  >phylogenetic signal in a trait, after accounting for interspecific
  >differences in body size, which of these two alternatives is
  >They both seem to calculate lambda after correcting for body size.
  Is one
  >way more correct, given the above stated goal?
  >On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:53 AM, Alejandro Gonzalez <
  >alejandro.gonza...@ebd.csic.es> wrote:
  >> Hi Alberto,
  >> The results differ between the two approaches because you're
  >> estimating two different things.
  >> gls(logY ~ logX, correlation=corPagel(1, tree), method="ML")
  >> Will give you the estimate of lambda for the residuals of the
  fitted model.
  >> while:
  >> fitContinuous(tree, log(Y/X), model="lambda")
  >> will give you the lambda value of the ratio of the two traits.
  >> Cheers,
  >> Alejandro
  >> On 23, Mar 2011, at 12:47 AM, Alberto Gallano wrote:
  >> Thanks Ted and Joe, that helps a lot with my understanding.
  >> Given then that the variables should be on a log scale, as you
  suggest, is
  >> there any reason to chose a regression model estimate of lambda:
  >> gls(logY ~ logX, correlation=corPagel(1, tree), method="ML")
  >> where X is a body size proxy (i.e., scaling is done in the
  model), over a
  >> ratio approach?:
  >> fitContinuous(tree, log(Y/X), model="lambda")
  >> These seem to produce different results. Is there a preference
  for one
  >> other
  >> the other in a comparative methods context? Or is this just a
  question of
  >> whether one prefers to size 'correct' using ratios vs residuals?
  >> kind regards,
  >> Alberto
  >> On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 1:30 AM, Joe Felsenstein
  >> >wrote:
  >> Ted wrote:
  >> Following on that, various papers (I can't remember the
  >> have argued that imagining Brownian-like evolution of body size
  on a
  >> log scale seems reasonable. That is, it should be equally easy
  for an
  >> elephant's body size to evolve 10% as for a mouse's body size to
  >> evolve 10%, and to analyze that you want everybody on a log
  >> Extending this, you would want to use log(Y/X) or log(Y/[X raised
  >> some allometric slope]).
  >> It's just easier to put all variables onto their log scales, so
  >> have log(X), log(Y), log(Z) and then the allometric stuff just
  >> corresponds to linear combinations there, which you already have
  >> machinery to do.
  >> The recommendation to use log scales is a very old one: I talk
  >> about it in my "Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics" free e-text.
  >> But is older than that. Falconer has a whole chapter on "Scale"
  >> in his 1960 "Introduction of Quantitative Genetics". Sewall
  >> Wright has a discussion of it in Chapter 10 of his 1968 first
  >> volume of "Evolution and the Genetics of Populations" (see pages
  >> 227ff.). But it is older than those -- for Wright also says (p.
  >> "Galton, as long ago as 1879, noted that the logarithms of
  >> of organisms may be more appropriate than the measurements
  >> themselves on the hypothesis that growth factors tend to
  >> constant percentage increments rather than constant absolute
  >> The old biometrical types of the 1930s and 1940s knew all about
  >> this (though taking logarithms was tedious). It is only the more
  >> recent researchers who don't know it.
  >> Joe
  >> ----
  >> Joe Felsenstein j...@gs.washington.edu
  >> Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology,
  >> University of Washington, Box 355065, Seattle, WA 98195-5065 USA
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