Hi Everyone,
  I'm measuring phylogenetic signal in a morphometric dataset using Pagel's
Lambda and Blomberg's K.  I tend to think of both of these as continuous
values, but in reviewing the literature I've noticed that most authors
treat phylogenetic signal as either there or not.  The way that the
P-values are calculated, comparing the observed character distribution to
that expected given no phylogenetic signal, also suggests a very binary way
of looking at phylogenetic signal.  There are definitely some authors that
treat K and Lambda as continuous, but they seem to be the exception.  Also,
although parametric bootstrapping seems to be a good way to get a
confidence interval for signal values, I've hardly seen it used.  I'm just
wondering if there is a reason for strictly treating phylogenetic signal as
just present or absent, or if I'm seeing a pattern that isn't really
   Best regards,

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