> On Dec 31, 2016, at 10:57 AM, Matthew Butterick <m...@mbtype.com> wrote:
>> I started with Ryan's code from `~r` and tried to emulate some special
>> cases I see the C code (and didn't worry about negative numbers) and
>> ended up with something 4-5x slower than the C code version. :(  Code
>> follows.
> Is it cheating to avoid divisions by using table lookups? 

Whoops, my `test-it` macro had a typo in it. Here are results for different 
number lengths. 

; convert 123
cpu time: 893 real time: 925 gc time: 21        ; number->string
cpu time: 3306 real time: 3376 gc time: 74      ; number->string* (Findler 
cpu time: 583 real time: 614 gc time: 26        ; number->string** (table 

; convert 123456
cpu time: 1393 real time: 1433 gc time: 38      ; number->string
cpu time: 5474 real time: 5544 gc time: 86      ; number->string* (Findler 
cpu time: 1325 real time: 1423 gc time: 79      ; number->string** (table 

; convert 123456789
cpu time: 1950 real time: 1980 gc time: 46      ; number->string
cpu time: 7835 real time: 7882 gc time: 97      ; number->string* (Findler 
cpu time: 2293 real time: 2532 gc time: 174     ; number->string** (table 

#lang racket

(define (number->string* N)
 (cond [(zero? N)
        (string #\0)]
        (let* ([short-size 10]
               [str (make-string short-size)])
          (let loop ([N N] [digits null] [i short-size])
              [(zero? N)
               (if (<= i 0)
                   (if (null? digits)
                       (string-append (apply string digits) str))
                   (substring str i short-size))]
               (define-values (q r) (quotient/remainder N 10))
               (define d (integer->char (+ r (char->integer #\0))))
                 [(<= i 0)
                  (loop q (cons d digits) i)]
                  (string-set! str (- i 1) d)
                  (loop q '() (- i 1))])])))]))

(define-syntax-rule (digit-vector id ...)
  (for*/vector ([id (in-range 10)] ...)
               (append (string->list (number->string id)) ...)))

(define number->string**
 (let ([digits (digit-vector i)]
       [double-digits (digit-vector i j)]
       [triple-digits (digit-vector i j k)])
   (λ (N)
      (let loop ([N N])
          [(< N 10) (vector-ref digits N)]
          [(< N 100) (vector-ref double-digits N)]
          [(< N 1000) (vector-ref triple-digits N)]
           (append (loop (quotient N 1000))
                   (vector-ref triple-digits (remainder N 1000)))]))))))

(define-syntax-rule (test-it id ...)
   (module+ test
     (require rackunit)
     (check-equal? (id 1234567890987654321)
                   (number->string 1234567890987654321))
     (for ([x (in-range 10000)])
          (check-equal? (id x )
                        (number->string x)))) ...))

(test-it number->string* number->string**)

(define iterations 10000000)

(define-syntax-rule (time-it number-to-convert id ...)
      (for ([x (in-range iterations)])
           (id number-to-convert)))) ...))

(time-it 123 number->string number->string* number->string**)
(time-it 123456 number->string number->string* number->string**)
(time-it 123456789 number->string number->string* number->string**)

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