I'm not too worried about a x4 slowdown in number->string because I
don't expect it to be in a tight loop, but it would be nice that it
were faster.

I made some tests. (You must change the 100 to number-to-convert in
your sample program.)

I made a new function number->string**, replacing
    (define-values (q r) (quotient/remainder N 10))
    (define q (quotientr N 10))
    (define r (remainder N 10))

The problem is that quotient/remainder is very slow for fixnums (IIRC
it can be JIT-inlined).

I increased the number of iterations x10, so the run time is a few seconds:
(define iterations 10000000) ; x10 of original number
(define number-to-convert 123)
cpu time: 1734 real time: 1740 gc time: 0   ;number->string
cpu time: 7234 real time: 7258 gc time: 0   ;number->string*
cpu time: 3578 real time: 3580 gc time: 31  ;number->string**

So the new function is only x2 times slower. Perhaps tweaking it for
fixnums can get a 10% or 20% increase of speed.

But for bignum the story is totally different. Here I used the
original number of iterations because everything is much slower.
(define iterations 1000000) ; original number
(define number-to-convert 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890)
cpu time: 1125 real time: 1128 gc time: 16   ;number->string
cpu time: 14828 real time: 14818 gc time: 94   ;number->string*
cpu time: 20735 real time: 20736 gc time: 222  ;number->string**

The new function is even slower. But both functions are very slow
(x15) in comparison with the C version.

(Note: To compare the times remember to consider the x10 factor in the
iterations, for example the run time of the original C function is
proportional to 1734 vs 11250, as expected it's faster for the


On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Robby Findler
<ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> I started with Ryan's code from `~r` and tried to emulate some special
> cases I see the C code (and didn't worry about negative numbers) and
> ended up with something 4-5x slower than the C code version. :(  Code
> follows.
> Robby
> #lang racket
> (define (number->string* N)
>   (cond [(zero? N)
>          (string #\0)]
>         [else
>          (let* ([short-size 10]
>                 [str (make-string short-size)])
>            (let loop ([N N] [digits null] [i short-size])
>              (cond
>                [(zero? N)
>                 (if (<= i 0)
>                     (if (null? digits)
>                         str
>                         (string-append (apply string digits) str))
>                     (substring str i short-size))]
>                [else
>                 (define-values (q r) (quotient/remainder N 10))
>                 (define d (integer->char (+ r (char->integer #\0))))
>                 (cond
>                   [(<= i 0)
>                    (loop q (cons d digits) i)]
>                   [else
>                    (string-set! str (- i 1) d)
>                    (loop q '() (- i 1))])])))]))
> (module+ test
>   (require rackunit)
>   (check-equal? (number->string* 1234567890987654321)
>                 (number->string 1234567890987654321))
>   (for ([x (in-range 1000)])
>     (check-equal? (number->string* x )
>                   (number->string x))))
> (define iterations 1000000)
> (define number-to-convert 123)
> (collect-garbage)
> (time
>  (for ([x (in-range iterations)])
>    (number->string 100)))
> (collect-garbage)
> (time
>  (for ([x (in-range iterations)])
>    (number->string* number-to-convert)))
> --
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