On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 20:02:56 -0700 (PDT), Sage Gerard
<zyrolast...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I see Racket can be used for web development, but is Racket
>really what I need to meet the demands of multi-platform
>development while competing in the market? Does Racket
>(or similar) sit at the next stage of evolution for the
>multi-domain developer stuck in Javascript? If so, why?

I guess it depends on what exactly you mean by "multi-platform
development".  Most Racket code will run unchanged on any supported

However, Racket does not run in browsers, so it is not [yet] as
ubiquitous as Javascript.  As Alan mentioned already, there is work
being done to make Racket compile to Javascript, but AFAIK, it is
limited to text mode programs currently.

Text-mode applications are highly transportable.  As one data point, I
develop web database apps on Windows that are deployed as headless
services (daemons) on Linux.  The amount of OS specific code is very
minimal: in my case, it has been limited to needing to discriminate
some system specific error codes.

Racket has its own GUI library and application framework, and programs
written using them [try to] look/feel like native apps as closely as
possible on any supported GUI platform.  The library is generic and
doesn't include every possibility of every platform, but if you can
stay within its limits, your code will be largely transportable.

IME, Racket comes about as close to "write-once, run anywhere" as Java
ever could realistically claim.


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