On Sep 7, 2017, at 1:53 AM, William G Hatch wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 05:07:41PM -0400, James wrote:
>> I'm trying out Rackterm for the purpose of running commands put together 
>> from a GUI but it looks like the thread is crashing as soon as I try to 
>> create a terminal canvas.  Is it something I am not doing right or is there 
>> a bug?  I am able to run rackterm/xterm without error and that contains very 
>> similar code.
>> Here's my code:
>> #lang racket
>> (require racket/gui
>>        rackterm/private/terminal-canvas
>>        )
>> (define frame (new frame% [label "Example"]
>>                  (width 800)
>>                  (height 800)
>>                  ))
>> (send frame show #t)
>> (define my-term (new terminal-canvas%
>>                   [parent frame]
>>                   [font-size 14]
>>                   [font-name "Courier"]
>>                   [term-var "rackterm"]
>>                   [command-and-args '("ls -lh")]
>>                   [set-title-callback (lambda (title) (send frame set-label 
>> title))]
>>                   [horiz-margin 2]
>>                   [vert-margin 2]
>>                    ))
>> The terminal window appears and then immediately closes with the following 
>> error message:
>> "The evaluation thread is no longer running, so no evaluation can take place 
>> until the next execution.
>> Exited successfully."
> Well, this is caused by my not having actually cleaned up the code for it to 
> be used in any sort of general way, rather than specifically only by my one 
> xterm (hence terminal canvas is still in the private directory).  But there 
> is a `handle-subproc-ended` method that I put a TODO in to make it 
> configurable, but currently just kills the canvas, because usually you want 
> an xterm to close when the shell inside it exits.  But you could make a 
> subclass that overrides that method, or even better, improve my bad code and 
> send a pull request.  Or eventually I'll fix things up and release them 
> properly.
> Also '("ls -lh") should be '("ls" "-lh").

Thanks.  I got it to work by creating a subclass.  Unfortunately, it will take 
more work to make it more useful than MrLib Terminal since what I really want 
is something which will support running commands interactively created by GUI 
elements.  At this point, I can only run one command and then create a new 
terminal object in order to run an additional command.  I will probably get 
back to this later. 


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