I can second having used net/url to call simple REST APIs, though
apparently slightly differently than Alex: I typically use
`http-sendrecv/url` to do the data-fetching (rather than `get-pure-port`,
and I build instances of the `url` struct directly rather than using
`format` and `string->url`. You'll want to look at the net/uri-codec module
if you need to build url elements from arbitrary input.

I do typically wrap the details in a library, even if it's just a
one-module "library" used only for that specific larger project. At a
minimum, I strongly suggest defining some data types for the return values
rather than just returning the raw hash-tables from `read-json`.

I think the specifics of what Racket-level interface to present to clients
is influenced a lot more by the specific API you're wrapping than by the
fact that it uses REST/HTTP under the hood. I do concur with your sense
that the most common thing is provide functions (make-client, client-login,
etc.) rather than objects.

A detailed discussion of the pros and cons of the class-based object system
would quickly get off topic, but I have come to appreciate it and certainly
wouldn't avoid it on principle. (I say that as the rare person whose
background was never OOP-by-default.) I affirmatively *would* use it when
you want inheritance or other object sorts of features, and I also find it
helpful when my values have many private fields. You can, of course, use
objects internally but not expose their nature as objects to client code: I
believe the db library does that extensively. There are also plenty of
things I dislike about the object system, though, and, if you're
considering it, I would definitely also evaluate whether racket/generic
meets your needs.

Unfortunately most of the code I've written to wrap REST APIs consists of
small internal things that I haven't released publicly. I think the only
thing I have published is my package for OpenCPU, an API for calling R
functions over HTTP (http://docs.racket-lang.org/opencpu/index.html).
However, I offer it only as an illustration of what I did in that specific
case, not as an example of outstanding library design. I published it in
case it might be useful to anyone, but I'm not actively developing it and
have never used it in production: I convinced my collaborators to implement
the functionality we wanted in Racket instead of R. Also, OpenCPU is a
pretty strange API. If I ever develop it further, there are design aspects
I'd want to address: I ideally would have loved to provide a higher-level
DSL like `_fun` from ffi/unsafe to deal with the marshalling to/from JSON,
for example.


On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 9:33 PM, Alex Harsanyi <alexharsa...@gmail.com>

> I used the built-in url package (http://docs.racket-lang.org/net/url.html)
> from Racket to fetch data from Wunderground weather API and it was simple
> enough that I did not feel the need for a separate REST library.  I just
> used `format` to construct the URL, `get-pure-port` to fetch the data and
> `read-json` to parse it.  The API that I used has an API KEY and only GET
> requests, so no login is required, however looking at the URL package,
> there are functions for POST requests and you can pass headers as well.
> If you want to look at my code, it is linked below, but the majority of
> that file deals with weather data management and only a tiny part is
> actually related to fetching data from the weather server:
> https://github.com/alex-hhh/ActivityLog2/blob/master/rkt/weather.rkt#L239
> Best Regards,
> Alex.
> On Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 2:36:50 AM UTC+8, Paulo Matos wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am interested in developing a Racket wrapper for hetzner cloud rest
>> api. This is a REST API defined in:
>> https://docs.hetzner.cloud/
>> I however, have no experience with accessing REST APIs in racket much
>> less developing one.
>> 1. Are there any examples out there of wrapping rest apis in racket?
>> 2. If you look at how this is done in Python[1] as expected everything
>> is an object. However, from what I generally see, libraries seem to
>> rarely touch the racket object system (although I think it's great). So,
>> I guess instead of having an object 'Client' to which you would do (send
>> client login "username" "password"), is it generally preferable to have
>> a (make-client ...), which you would follow with (client-login
>> "username" "password")?
>> Any thoughts would be appreciated before I commit myself, only to find
>> it goes against the racket way once I publish it. :)
>> [1] https://github.com/elsyms/hetznercloud-py/
>> --
>> Paulo Matos
> --
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