Ok then, i got problem with this. I wrote a procedure which i called 
'make-mutable-selector', which make a mutable selector from quote symbol 
like 'mcaar, 'mcadr etc. But i don't know, how i can use this in the code, 
what i want to write... i mean a macro with-mcxrs.

(define-macro make-mutable-selector   
  (lambda (new-selector)
    (let ((loop (gensym)))
      `(lambda (pair)
         (let ,loop ((mutable-selector ,new-selector)
                     (number 2))
           (if (equal? (car (string->list (substring (symbol->string 
mutable-selector) number))) #\r)
               (cond ((equal? (car (string->list (substring (symbol->string 
mutable-selector) number))) #\a)(begin (mcar (,loop mutable-selector (+ 1 
                     ((equal? (car (string->list (substring (symbol->string 
mutable-selector) number))) #\d)(begin (mcdr (,loop mutable-selector (+ 1 
                     (else "Error")))))))))
((make-mutable-selector 'mcaar) (mcons (mcons 1 2) '()))    ;= 1
((make-mutable-selector 'mcdar) (mcons (mcons 1 2) '()))    ;= 2

... etc

(define-macro with-mcxrs
  (lambda body
    (let ((loop (gensym)))
      `(let ,loop ((selectors (quote ,@body)) ) ;;list of selectors
          (if (null? selectors)
              (let ((new-selector (car selectors)))
                                  (begin (make-mutable-selector (quote 
(car new-selector) 2
(- (string-length (car new-selector))1)) )) ,@body))))))))

I don't know, how i can fix this. Please help me.
Dne čtvrtek 10. května 2018 5:04:05 UTC+2 David K. Storrs napsal(a):
> Hi Patrik, 
> From what I've seen, people on this list generally don't help with 
> homework assignments, especially not when the request is simply 
> "please do this for me" as opposed to "please help me figure out this 
> one piece that I'm stuck on".  You'd probably get better answers if 
> you specified: 
> - Specifically what you don't understand 
> - What you've tried 
> - What happened and what the error messages were 
> On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 6:56 PM, Patrik novak <high...@seznam.cz 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Hello, 
> > i got really big problem. I study at university for a second year. We 
> > programming at scheme, (not racket) and i have two hard quest for exams 
> at 
> > scheme. My life depends on it. So i please you to help me. 
> > 
> > First: 
> > 
> > (with-mcxrs 
> >  (let ((a (mcons (mcons 1 2) (mcons (mcons 3 4) '())))) 
> >    (list (mcaar a) 
> > (mcdar a) 
> > (mcaadr a) 
> > (mcdadr a)))) 
> > 
> > --> by using define-macro NOT DEFINE-SYNTAX and we HAVE TO use this 
> > procedure for it: 
> > symbol?, string-upcase, symbol->string, string-length, string-ref, 
> > string->list, substring 
> > 
> > I know, that were an article about this problem (i think, joah martin 
> wrote 
> > that), but answers are useless for me :/ how i said, i need it in 
> > define-macro by using this small procedures, at school we dont know what 
> is 
> > "syntax-parse" for example. 
> > 
> > Second: 
> > 
> > (define test 
> >   (make-generator 
> >    (lambda (collect) 
> >      (collect 10) 
> >      (collect 20) 
> >      (collect 30)))) 
> > 
> > (list (test) (test) (test) (test)) ;; => (10 20 30 #<void>) 
> > 
> > (define test2 
> >   (make-generator 
> >    (lambda (collect) 
> >      (let x () 
> >        (collect (random 100)) 
> >        (x))))) ..   ...this piece of code has to work also. 
> > 
> > Quest: Implement a procedure "Make-generator" one argument, which is 
> > procedure one argument, which we called a generated procedure and 
> evaluation 
> > will we called "collect procedure". Result of aplication is procedure 
> > without argument, which we called "a generator". The generator caused 
> the 
> > generator to apply a procedure that once applied to a brightening 
> procedure 
> > with some the argument will switch back to the place where it was 
> applied 
> > generator and its result is that argument. For another application the 
> > generator switches the context into the generating procedure in the 
> place 
> > where the pre-treatment procedure has been applied, etc. Once you have 
> > generate the procedure ends without applying the brightening procedure, 
> the 
> > result the application of the generator is then an undefined value. 
> > 
> > So please, help me, quickly ! 
> > 
> > -- 
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> Groups 
> > "Racket Users" group. 
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an 
> > email to racket-users...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>. 
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