Regarding #lang racket/koans, I opened and would appreciate
comments from those more familiar with defining syntaxes if there are rough
edges in this design.

On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 10:57 AM Sage Gerard <> wrote:

> This is great feedback, thank you both so much! I like using a language
> for this approach as the project evolves, and You's feedback is a good
> stopgap that does work, and can be applied in-place.
> On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 1:01 PM Matthew Butterick <> wrote:
>> On Aug 11, 2018, at 9:00 AM, Sage Gerard <> wrote:
>> I'm starting to think writing these kind of exercises in a friendly way
>> is only possible with macros, but before I go that far, is it possible for
>> me to catch a module-level unbound identifier error and print a rackunit
>> failure outright *without *distracting the student?
>> I'd appreciate feedback on the design here too, since I have to pick a
>> direction to handle this kind of problem project-wide.
>> Perhaps consider making a little `racket/koan` language for your
>> exercises that includes some extra conveniences. For instance, one way to
>> address your unbound identifiers is to redefine `#%top` as shown below. But
>> you could move that into `racket/koan`.
>> #lang racket/base
>> (require rackunit)
>> (require (for-syntax racket/base))
>> (define-syntax (#%top stx)
>>   (syntax-case stx ()
>>     [(_ . id) (not (identifier-binding #'id)) #'(λ _ (format "unbound
>> identifier: ~a" 'id))]
>>     [(_ . id) #'id]))
>> ;; Produce a single struct that passes all assertions.
>> (let ([p "?"])
>>   (check-pred racketeer? p)
>>   (check-pred programmer? p)
>>   (check-pred struct? p)
>>   (check-pred procedure? set-programmer-salary!)
>>   (check-equal? (programmer-confusion-level p) 10)
>>   (check-equal? (racketeer-desire-for-racket-jobs p) 9001))

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