On 11/08/18 16:11, Bob Heffernan wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am new to Racket and only slightly less new to scheme & scheme-like
> languages.
> I have noticed myself often doing something like the following:
> (define (foo x)
>   (let* ([y (f x)]
>          [z (g y)]
>          [p (h z)])
>     (bar p)))

I really, really don't like nesting and a few years ago adopted the
style of internal defines. It makes for much more readable code:

(define (foo x)
  (define y (f x))
  (define z (g y))
  (define p (h z))

  (bar p))

I avoid nesting, long lines and short names. So I would try to name the
variables appropriatelly. If intermediate variables don't have a
'meaning' such that they can be given proper names, maybe they don't
deserve to be a variable and instead I will compose.

Just my 2 cents.

Paulo Matos

> Which could, of course, be written as
> (define (foo x)
>   (bar (h (g (f x)))))
> Here's an example from something I was just working on:
> (define (get-data input)
>   (let* ([url-string (construct-url input)]
>          [url (string->url url-string)]
>          [port (get-pure-port url)])
>     (read-json port)))
> which, again, could be written as:
> (define (get-data input)
>   (read-json (get-pure-port (string->url (construct-url input)))))
> My question is: is the way I'm writing things considered to be bad
> style?  It feels like a hangover from more imperative-style programming
> & the inclination to do one thing "per line".  On the other hand, it
> often helps readability.
> It might be, of course, that both versions amount to the same thing
> after the interpreter has been at them.
> Thanks and regards,
> Bob Heffernan

Paulo Matos

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