> On Nov 21, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Shu-Hung You 
> <shu-hung....@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> It works, but it would be better if (X 'USE) can log information about
> its uses at B and C in addition to the source location A for debugging
> purpose. If I don't want to change the implementation of USE, is there
> a way for X to obtain the source information of B and C?

Stash it in a syntax property?

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse)
         syntax/location syntax/parse/define)

(define log-error format)
(define void values)
(define vector values)

(define-syntax (X stx0)
  (syntax-parse stx0
    [(_ stx)
     (define label (gensym 'L))
     (define outer-stx (syntax-property stx0 'outer-stx))
     #`(log-error "at ~a (~a) ; ~a ~a"
                 (quote-srcloc-string #,(or outer-stx #'stx))

(define-syntax (USE stx)
  #`(void (vector #,(syntax-property #'(X 'USE) 'outer-stx stx)))) ;; A

(X (or 'here #f))
(X 'there)
(USE) ;; B
(USE) ;; C

;; Result: 
;; "at L (unsaved-editor:24.3) ; #f #f"
;; "at L (unsaved-editor:25.3) ; #f #f"
;; "at L (unsaved-editor:26.0) ; #f #f"
;; "at L (unsaved-editor:27.0) ; #f #f"

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