On 1/18/19 6:36 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> Historically, many computer language designers were mathematicians, and
> they deliberately sought to distinguish "computer" functions from
> "mathematical" functions.
> It has yet to work completely - witness the legions of newbies every
> year who don't understand that computer arithmetic differs from the math
> they were taught in school.

Ellen: I don't disagree with most of the points here, I just draw the
opposite conclusion.

Look at the example you selected: "compose". It is often the case that
arbitrary procedures don't compose meaningfully, whereas procedures that
represent functions always compose meaningfully. This is a hot topic
among programmers these days. Maybe the person who wrote this
documentation choose the word "function" for this reason?

As a parent, I wish Javascript had adopted the word "procedure" as
Scheme did. It is frustrating to try to teach your kids good
mathematical intuition with the help of resources like Khan Academy,
only to have the intuition undermined by conflicting lessons from the CS
side of the curriculum.


George: Aren't you making my case here? The mathematicians actually have
the same trouble with their components as we engineers! Stoy says, "a
careful distinction is vital in the case of functions", admonishing us
not to "confuse functions with the algorithms representing them."
Weren't Schemers making this distinction with the word "procedure"?

Should an engineering education sweep the distinction between the
abstract and the concrete under the rug? It's useful to distinguish the
mappings/functions/relationships that interest me from the toolbox of
algorithms/procedures/languages/devices that I use to represent them.

"This procedure perfectly captures our (finite) function".

"This system is a compact realization of the function, but unstable for
certain inputs. On the other hand, this system converges for all inputs,
but has a long phase delay."

"This (infinite) function is impossible to represent on a computer, but
we can generate whatever finite portion you require."

You can't even make these statements if you abolish the distinctions.
Hence my astonishment that Racketeers, teaching experts, are stepping
away from the word they inherited from Scheme.

> The problem is that quite a lot of the talk about functional programming
> is just marketing.

So, are people gravitating away from the word "procedure" because
"functional" is now being marketed? But seriously...

> The languages can't live up to the promise of mathematical purity,
... etc.

Nobody is looking to program a pure function devoid of effects. It's
about making computation (including effects) understandable to people.
The motivation behind functional programming (and most engineering
discipline) is that humans can't really understand complex systems of
effects very well, and so we try to look for components whose meanings
compose. Functions are emblematic of that sort of composition--hence the
name. Operating under this slogan, people have come up with several ways
of composing effects, and we haven't seen the final chapter in that
story. Computer scientists haven't quite broken down their field into
the pieces that fit together nicely, but why discount the progress they
are making?

> WRT eliminating the distinction - that was dead and buried before
> Racket began.  There are no pure functional computer languages, and
> there never will be:  real programs have to interact with the impure
> real world.

Wait: you say the distinction is dead and buried, and then proceed to
highlight it? Where would humanity be if we adopted the stance that we
should never model anything just because our models can't be perfectly
realized on a finite computer, or even worse, an analog machine?

I didn't have a CS education, so maybe I just have a different
perspective, however, I also haven't seen much evidence presented in
this thread that the word "procedure" hurts anything. Why not stick with
what seems to be an accurate term and avoid confusion down the line?

> George

PS: Thanks for the sparring. Think on this: we couldn't even have this
conversation without the distinction.

Anthony Carrico

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